Last Call For Last Call?

Here’s another story update for you. A few weeks ago I wrote about the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission’s brilliant plan toarrest people in bars because they’re drunk. Well, after almost 2000 arrests and seemingly a lot more public outcry, the program, which they ended up naming Operation Last Call, has beencalled off,hopefully for good.

Gun Safety Update

Remember thegun safety videothat I posted a link to a couple of months ago? Well, the star of that clip, Drug Enforcement Administration officer Lee Paige, is nowsuing his employer for letting the video get out. Here are the important parts of the story, just in case the link doesn’t stay active for very long, …

The Terrorists Have Won

High School officials in Fort Myers, Florida haveturned down an invitation from the organizers of London’s 2007 New Year’s Day parade,because they feel that the members of their school band would be “safer in America” than they would be in England due to a greater likelihood of being victims of a terrorist attack there. “What …

Arresting People For No Good Reason, What’s More American Than That?

The Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission has announced that the State has begunsending undercover police officers into bars to arrest drunk people for being drunk. According to commission spokesperson Carolyn Beck, the first of the sting operations, which are designed to prevent drunken mishaps before they happen, took place recently in a suburb of Dallas and …

Who Put the Car in Career Fair?

Does this annoy you as much as it annoys me? I’m a university graduate. I’m looking for a job. I get an email and it says, “Guelph career fair.” I get excited! Woo! I can go and look at things. Then I read a little further down, and the damn thing is in Waterloo! That’s …