Nick’s best friend -666 posted these on the comment boards a little while ago. They’re great. A label on a baby stroller warns: “Remove child before foldingA brass fishing lure with a three-pronged hook on the end warns: “Harmful if swallowedA household iron warns users: “Never iron clothes while they are being worn”A label on …
Category Archives: that was dumb
I Look Forward To These Every Year
Toilet brush wins wacky bowl Michigan anti-lawsuit group gives out “awards” for wackiest warning labels on products. A toilet brush with a tag that says “Do not use for personal hygiene” has taken top prize for the wackiest consumer warning label of the year, according to an anti-lawsuit group. The Michigan Lawsuit Abuse Watch, M-LAW, …
Criminal Mastermind At Work
I turned on the radio this morning just in time to hear one of those things that makes me want to shut everything off and crawl back into bed for the rest of my life. It seems that a super genius in the city of Kitchener was caught downloading child pornography and charged with possession. …
Some People’s kids
I have to say that in general, today I’m pretty happy. I basically put an end to all the work for that class that I couldn’t stand. I have wanted to say that for a while, and the end is finally here! But I saw something today that, no matter how awesome my mood is …
He Was Asking For It
Could somebody please explain to me why it is that I’m supposed to feel sorry for people who get themselves injured or killed in war zones that they visit of their own free will? I’m not talking about people who go their on business such as those who are there to provide humanitarian aid to …
So Did I Get The Job?
The following is a public service announcement. If you ever find yourself needing to apply for a job, under no circumstances is it ever a good idea to do whatthis guydid. That is all.
That Helps, Thanks
I’m sure that by now those of you who have been trying to access the Salty Ham website either through our link or on your own have noticed that the site is down and that it has been for quite a long time. But I’d be willing to put money on the fact that not …
Where Do They Find These People?
I just read the following story over on CNET and something about it stuck out at me enough that I felt the need to post it here along with my comments, since I think that somewhere along the line, somebody with a functioning brain needs to weigh in on it and point out how time …
If It Walks Like A Duck…
I saw something yesterday that could quite possibly be the stupidest thing I’ve ever seen. I know I say that a lot but stay with me here, I really mean it this time. Yesterday I found myself at one of the fall fairs that seem to pop up everywhere this time of year what with …
More Commercials
Writing about the shoe store ad earlier today and then reading the comment that was posted underneath it got me thinking about a couple other commercials that have kind of always bugged me. Let’s go down memory lane a little bit here since these are both a few years old and I don’t think either …