Truth Is Dumber Than Fiction

Just when I think I’ve seen the stupidest thing I could possibly see, somebody comes along and tops it. Ok, this story actually more than tops it. It not only takes the cake, I think it baked the fucking thing. I can’t remember which town this happened in but honestly it’s not that important to …

Cool Story Of The Day

I heard this on the radio again this morning and I think it’s definitely noteworthy. Scientists in Russia have successfully grown a new dick for a Russian, teenage boy. They graphed the skin and allowed it to grow off of his bicep.(try explaining that in the summer). The graph was a complete success as, miraculously, …

Random Observations From The Middle Of A Snow Storm

Ok so I’m not actually in the middle of the snow storm itself, I’m in my nice warm house but my nice warm house is right smack dab in the middle of a great big storm that’s pretty much got the entire province shut down so it’s close enough. The only good thing to come …

Bah. No Title

Good Day to you all, First of all – Yesterday I didn’t get anything posted for my supposedly weekly column on Salty Ham Sports. I was completely uninspired and really, with the exception of the World Junior Hockey Championship, I really didn’t watch much in the way of sports over the holiday. That makes it …

Well Isn’t That Special

A friend of mine just sent me this email that he got from Microsoft Canada regarding a problem he’d been having with them. It’s very funny but requires a little backstory to make sense. He recently got a new computer, yea for him! However, before he got the new computer, he also just finished paying …

Your Tax Dollars At Work

I just saw these in a weird news publication and since this sort of thing always makes me laugh, and since nothing has been posted here since Monday, I figure I’ll share. Here are a few really strange American laws that are no joke. Remember that no matter what country you live in, you’re paying …