I Almost Feel Sorry For Amy Fee. I Don’t, But I almost Do

I don’t know a lot about what Amy Fee did in her life before politics, but if these are her defending skills I sure hope it didn’t involve lawyering. Thrown to the wolves by her bosses in the Ford government and ordered to defend its autism plan, she, or someone pulling the strings, came up …

Gambling, Drug Running…Is This Guy Good AT Anything?

If you’re going to transport a big ‘ol bag of drugs across Canada, maybe don’t listen to your buddy’s GPS when it tells you to unnecessarily cross the border into the United States. But if you are going to listen to it because it promises to save you some time, at least make sure everyone …

We Were Going To End UP Here Anyway, Sooooo…

This is security video of a couple of saps whose shoplifting experience couldnt’ have gone much worse if it tried. Officials tell KTAR-FM that officers were called to a gas station for possible shoplifting at 6 p.m. Friday. Authorities say as officers arrived, the suspects, 28-year-old Marwan Al Ebadi and 29-year-old Salma Hourieh, took off …

Simple Twymans Bad At Crime And Going To The Jail

“Butler County Sheriff Richard Jones wants to relay a few tips about what you should never do at the Sheriff’s Office or any police agency,” Jones said in a news release. “We hope you find this helpful: “• If you are not handicapped, do not park in a handicap spot, especially if the sheriff’s personal …

Religion Makes Itself Hard To Take Seriously…Again

Not that I want to oversimplify things, but religion can be really, really silly sometimes. Like seriously, we’re all so hung up on our dumb rules and traditions that we have to literally fight over who gets to say their prayers at which section of wall? Thousands of young ultra-Orthodox Jews have clashed with a …

Get Your Paws Off My Mug, Whatever The Chinese Word For Douchebag Is!

If you wonder why corporations have been able to take over the world so completely, look no further than us. We’re all, to some degree, advertising susceptible morons. Black Friday has proven this over and over again and there are far too many other examples from around the world of regular people waiting in absurd, …

We Thought You Might Like This Back. Oh, And You’re Under Arrest

This is astoundingly stupid. A man chased by Cape Coral police last week was found in his home Monday because he left his driver’s license with an officer.   30-year-old Vincent Parlato’s Ford Mustang was stopped on Santa Barbara Boulevard on Sunday, Feb. 10 after a Cape Coral police officer noticed him driving 60 mph in a 45 …

They Hired Me To Deliver Things. They Said Nothing About Leaving Them There

This is definitely one of the dumber thefts I’ve seen in a while. So what if I had to show ID to get in and who cares if there’s quite obviously a camera attached to this house? I’m taking this package. Just try to stop me. Surveillance cameras captured a delivery driver taking an Amazon …

Coming Soon: The Who Has The Coolest Skin Graft Challenge!

Yeah yeah yeah rhetorical question blah blah blah, but what in the fuck is the matter with people? Hey kids, I’ve got a great idea! How’s about we boil up a big bunch of water, go outside in the freezing cold and then toss it up in the air? And when that’s done, daddy’s gonna …