Police: Man found dead in vacant Detroit building was playing hide-and-seek with friends According to officials with the Detroit Police Department, the man, whose identity has not been released, was with a group of friends suspected of trespassing between midnight and 1:30 a.m. when they played the game on the ninth floor of the building on Detroit’s …
Category Archives: that was dumb
Arrest Your Elders
If you’re going to rob a hotel, maybe don’t use its own sheets as your disguise. And maybe don’t book a room there under your own name. And hiding in that room after the fact and expecting not to be discovered? You should maybe forget about that, too. Joseph Elder, 59, of Wayne, New Jersey, …
Aren’t You Supposed To Take Those With Your Phone?
Schoolgirl, 13, shoots herself in face while taking selfie with dad’s gun She lived, if you’re curious. She did get a broken jaw and other facial injuries for her trouble, though. And her dad may be in some hot water for not storing his gun properly.
Don’t Hurt Yourself…ie
That title is awful. I know. It’s the best I had. Sometimes the perfect selfie is the one you don’t take. The one with you and the speeding train that’s headed right for you, for instance. The 21-second-long video was shared thousands of times on Facebook on Wednesday. In it, Mr Siva is seen standing …
Hope I Can cut This Lock Before They Lock Me Up
You know, I could really use a new bike. But man, they sure are pricey. Maybe I’d be better off stealing one. Like that one over there by the police station. It looks nice. https://www.facebook.com/GladstonePoliceDepartment/videos/2139232539724771/ A man was arrested last week after allegedly trying to steal a bicycle from in front of the Gladstone Police …
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Save Money, Deliver Yourself To The Police Station
These stories almost aren’t weird anymore, but since I’m not sure we’re quite there yet… After police confronted him because it seemed an awful lot like he was about to leave a Walmart without paying for $125 worth of stuff that he had stashed in a backpack, 24-year-old Jeremy Roberts proved them right, taking off …
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Thanks For The Ride. What Did You Say You Did For A Living? Uh-oh…
For all of the careful planning that can sometimes go into them, prison escapes themselves are necessarily a pretty rushed act. So although you almost can’t fault Allen Lewis for the way his turned out, he’s still worth pointing and laughing at because come on, man. Allen Lewis, 31, had run away when being moved …
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Nice To Meet You, Bigfoot. I’m Smallbrain
Some doubts have been raised about whether or not this story is true even though two separate people have reported similar experiences, but to my ear it sounds completely believable. It’s equally believable that somebody would make it up for a few minutes of media fame, but for now let’s go with it. A Montana …
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Take This Whiskey, Mr. President. It’s Great Whiskey. The Best Whiskey
I can’t say I fully understand the thought process here because Trump has said many times that he doesn’t drink, but the wife bit does make some sense. He has had three of them, after all. Clearly he knows something about the subject. Then again I’m sure being a pretend billionaire/successful businessman probably had a …
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The Dork With The Barrett Tattoo
I read about this story 6 months or so ago and meant to write about it then. Since it still makes me chuckle whenever I think about it, I’ll write about it now. I heard about a guy who skipped parole and they were looking for him. When I saw Nathan Barrett’s description, my first …