Spirit Airlines: Less Hamsters, Oh No!

I don’t have a lot of words. I am really trying to think of a circumstance where I could see where this woman was coming from, but it’s not working. I’m really really trying. Belen Aldecosea had to fly home, and she wanted to fly with Spirit Airlines. In the recent past, because of anxiety …

Police Have Locked Him UP And Thrown Away The Key, Which They Remembered To Bring With Them

A question for the bank robbers in the crowd. Setting your car keys on the counter: stupid or really stupid? Seriously, why would you ever do that? If they’re not staying in the getaway vehicle, should they not stay safely in your pocket? Isn’t that, like, the only thing that makes any sense? A man …

Police Were Immediately Dispatched To His Location, Because It Was Their Location

In October of 2016, Bank of America discovered a theft. Surprisingly, given that there are so many of them, it wasn’t one of their own. But the bank did suspect that somebody who used to be one of their own was behind it, and so the hunt for former employee Alberto Saavedra Lopez began. For …

“Give Me My Stuff Back Or I’m Calling The Cops!” “You’re Way Ahead Of You, Dude.”

There may be a genius at work here, but that person is absolutely, positively 100 percent not Clayton Rowland Cowman Jr. We know this because not only did he call the police after somebody robbed him of cash and dope, but then, just in case there was still any doubt, he repeatedly called a narcotics …

That Was…Uh…Your Performance Review. Yeah…Performance Review. Job Well Done!

The good news is that the methods used by police in Pennsylvania to carry out undercover sex stings seem to be working quite well. the bad news is that we know this because the chief of the Leechburg police appears to have tested them himself. JUST IN: Leechburg Police Chief Mike Diebold’s mug shot. He’s …

Never Say Bye Without Your Supply

In spite of the stupidity at work, I think I understand the decision making. Though it was one of her own creation, our friend here was caught in a no-win situation. Do you go back for the drugs and risk getting arrested, or do you let them go, losing more than 40 grand in the …

I Don’t Know What These Are, But I’m Going To Take All Of Them And There’s Nothing You Can Do About It

“Hey man, listen up. I’ve got a great idea.” “Ok, I’m all ears.” “So you know how there’s that tech company down on Dela Cruz Avenue?” “Yeah. Roam something. What do they do, anyway?” “I don’t know, but do you want to find out?” “Sure, what the hell. But how?” “Well, how about tonight, you …

Three Cheers, Three Offenses, What’s The Difference?

Sometimes, it pays to demonstrate your knowledge in a certain subject. Maybe you don’t have to take courses again if you can show you understand the subject matter. When the subject matter is taking field sobriety tests, though, it might be smarter to keep that knowledge a secret. Andrea Rego, for reasons unknown, decided to …

She Targeted The Wrong Target

Here comes our latest shoplifter who chose to do it with 70 cops on hand for Shop With A Cop. This one is so head-slappingly stupid, it needs its own soundtrack. Not only did she pass two police motorcycles in the lobby of the Target store and several officers in their official uniforms once she …