I’m fairly certain I’ve said this before, but it seems it needs repeating. If you’re going to take a taxi to a robbery, first of all don’t, but just as importantly, don’t stiff the driver. It won’t end well. Kenneth Burke, 46, and Timothy Foote, 38, of Ocean Township, called for a taxi to a …
Category Archives: that was dumb
Facebook Live, Brains Not So Much
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L_RD-ziEY5I What you’re watching here is a fucking retard (his words, not mine) named John Pinney finding a new and inventive technological way to spend some time in jail. To be more specific, it’s an edited down version of Pinney using a police officer’s iPad to stream himself on Facebook Live being chased as he …
I’m Donald Trump…Or Am I
I’m giving this one a soundtrack because we need to get it in before it’s too late to be topical. Tempting as it may be, there are more productive ways of voicing your displeasure with Donald Trump and his supporters than showing up at one of his rallies and vandalizing the cars there with peanut …
Baby You Can Drive Into My Car
I could sit here and list each individual thing that went wrong here, but to save us all some time, let’s just say that all of them did and leave it at that. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ux7Qg6x-wKA An officer was checking a reported disturbance on Wednesday when he heard brakes squeal and an SUV slam into the patrol …
If Ya Can’t Beat ‘Em, Think Things Halfway Through And Join ‘Em
An Iowa woman was arrested Thursday after it was discovered that she may have gone to two separate polling stations and cast a vote for Donald Trump at each one. Why? Because the polls are rigged, silly. A Des Moines woman has been charged with Election Misconduct, a Class D felony, after allegedly voting twice …
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Snitches Get Stitches, But Attention Gets Detention
“Due to snitches, everyone entering my home is subject to being searched. All cell phones and drinks will be left outside. If you’re not a snitch, it won’t offend you if I search you.” You will be shocked, shocked I say to learn that upon seeing a sign bearing those words on the door of …
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Smile, You’re On What Should Be A Pretty Obvious Candid Camera
Here’s one for the it’s only a matter of time files. Police are looking for a man who got away with $75 in cash from and did about the same amount of damage to an amusement park photo booth. He shouldn’t be too hard to find, since photo booths have cameras in them. Who knew? …
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Don’t The Dew
Here’s a refreshing bit of honesty or self-awareness or something. A man caught trying to provide a fraudulent urine sample for a circuit court-mandated drug test identified himself as “Dumb Ass” when the arresting deputy asked him his first name, according to a Bay County Sheriff’s Office report. Asked if he’d just responded with “Dumb …
Have You Heard? If You Drill A Hole In Your New iPhone, You’ll Get To Buy A New iPhone
People will believe any damn thing. This is a fact. And should you decide that now might be a fine time to work out your contrarian muscles and not take my word for it, I give you this. Oh come on, Steve. This is so obviously a terrible idea, not to mention a prank. It …
Bare Spray
I read this story of a fellow accidentally spraying bear spray down his own pants, and I started wincing. I can only imagine how bad that must have hurt. I say this for two reasons: 1. because duh, it’s friggin bear spray. If just breathing it in would make a bear run away, then imagine …