A Gun Disguised As A Cell Phone. Just What America Needs

I want to say right off the top that I hope I’m getting hoaxed here. I don’t think I am, but I really, really hope. Because even though I’ve seen what you’re about to see from a couple of generally reputable sources, when I run into something as stunningly stupid as MN company invents gun …

Give Me All Your Money Or I’ll Meet You At The Mall Tomorrow And You Can Give It To Me Then

I don’t know if Jason Donte Hayes will wind up being the stupidest criminal of 2016 as this article suggests, but it’ll definitely be safe to shortlist him. According to reports, Hayes disguised himself and entered the home of an elderly couple he used to rent a house from. He woke the woman up with …

I’m Hoping For A Warning, But I’m Probably Going To Blow It

One of the hardest questions a person can ask himself is do I have a drug problem? I don’t want to claim I have all the answers, but for future reference, if you get pulled over by the police and can’t even wait until the end of what was about to be a routine traffic …

The Yukon Government Has Been Getting Enough D, If D is for Duh

Damn you, Yukon government. I had to pick up Vitamin D today, and I couldn’t do it with a straight face, and it’s all your fault. Yup, your fault. I think I managed to suppress the giggles long enough for the person helping me find it to not wonder what was so funny about Vitamin …

Did They Find The Car He Used To Get There, I Wonder

Maybe it was raining. Maybe he’d missed his bus, had someplace else to be and realized he wasn’t going to make it. Maybe his leg was bothering him and he didn’t want to walk all the way home on it. Or maybe Courtney Cordell Wheat is simply one of the stupider of the stupid imbeciles …

Is Your Brother Home? No, But Since I Don’t Want You To Have Wasted Your Time…

For the sake of Rezwan Hussain, we’ll go over this one more time. If the police come to your house looking for someone who isn’t you, they aren’t looking for you. Stay cool, don’t panic, and whatever you do, don’t throw packages of drugs out the window, especially if their landing spot is right next …

Breaking: I’m In Here

I almost feel bad for laughing at Jasper Harrison here because when it comes right down to it, he did the right thing. Sensing that the police were closing in on he and the rented storage unit that housed his marijuana grow-op, he called 911 and turned himself in. But I do wonder how he …

Remembering The Silent Night, Bloody Night Match. Yes, The One With The Barbed Wire Christmas Tree

I’ve seen some ungodly stupid things in my wrestling fan days, but there was a five year period from about the end of 2006 to late 2011 where TNA was setting new standards in that department. If they weren’t new standards, they were standards not seen since turn of the century WcW. Interestingly, as coincidence …