You Look A Lot Like My Wife. Can I Borrow Some Money?

If your plan is to pilfer and attempt to utilize somebody’s custom debit card, it might be a good idea to take a good long look at the photo on it before you proceed with step two, just in case the woman in said photo and her powers of observation happen to be in the …

Ma’am, Step Out Of Our Car

I’m sure I could find more were I to dig, but for now let’s say that Mashara Mefford has 2 major strikes against her. Not only did she think it a good idea to break into a car that just happened to be one of those marked police ones, but she also seems to be …

You Missed One, Checkpoint Guy

When you’re as drunk as Logan Shaulis appears to have been, generally you’re doing your best to avoid DUI checkpoints, not parking your car across a highway, pretending you’re a state trooper and pulling people over because you’ve decided that you *are* the DUI checkpoint. Troopers say 19-year-old Logan Shaulis, of Somerset, parked his vehicle …

Alright. There’s Only One Way To Settle This. Whoever’s Phone Can Call An Ambulance The Fastest Wins!

I have no idea why, but the iPhone vs. Android debate can get pretty intense sometimes. They’re just phones that you’ll be replacing in 2 or 3 years, losers! Get a life. But as nasty as it can be, I think this here brings things to a new low. Tulsa police say a woman found …

That Guy Just Took My Phone. I’d Better Call The Me

When there are only 2 customers in the store one of whom is you and the other is a uniformed police officer, that’s a bad time to test out your I’m going to swipe something from this guy without him noticing skills. On Monday at 12:27 p.m., the officer momentarily put his cell phone down …

Why Didn’t You Tell Me I Was Stealing Garbage?

Excuse me, kind sir. If I may, I wish to have a word. I understand that our initial meeting did not take place under the most ideal of circumstances, but though you wish not to see me again nor I you, I nevertheless feel it my duty to make your acquaintance once more so that …

Somebody Must Have Passed Him A Counterfeit Clue, Because Clearly He Doesn’t Have A Real One

Generally, the way you’d go about profiting from your counterfeit money operation would be passing the product at stores in exchange for items of actual value, or maybe selling it for a fee hopefully consisting of legitimate currency to people you have a pretty good sense you can trust. But that’s if you’re a logical, …

Shhhhh. I’m Playing A Game Of Hide And Tell Everybody With The Cops Right Now

Dumbasses get busted by their own social media stupidity all the time, but this ass seems especially dumb. Christopher Wallace, wanted by the Somerset County Sheriff’s Office in connection with a Pierce Pond Township burglary, made two mistakes Sunday night. The first one was posting a message on Snapchat saying he was back in his …