This may amuse no one but me, but since when has that ever been a barrier? A truck driver took his hands off the wheel in order to pull a loose tooth that was bothering him, causing his rig to drive off the road, into a ditch and jack-knife into some trees. This unfortunate bit …
Category Archives: that was dumb
Give A Man A Coffee And He’ll Drink For A Day. Give A Man A Coffee Maker And He Won’t Be Able To Plug It In, So You’ll Just Have To Give Him Another Coffee
How does that old joke go? What’s the scariest thing a person can say to you? I’m from the government and I’m here to help. And what do a lot of people who know a thing or two about jokes often say about them? Many of the best ones start out with a grain of …
How Did You Get Stuck In There, Ya Knobs?
After this, getting stuck in a car because the automatic door locks don’t work seems ever so slightly less stupid. A man and a woman thought they were trapped in a Florida closet for two days until police let them out on Tuesday – and found out the two could have opened the door themselves. …
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Welcome To Shoplift With A Cop 2014
I wondered when I’d see another one of these. Thanks, Florida. A Florida man faces allegations of retail theft, accused of shoplifting from a Walmart at a most inopportune time. Grant Scott Timm, 35, was arrested last Wednesday evening on a charge of retail petit theft with a value of $100 or less after he …
Somebody’s Breaking Into The Police Station! Call The…Get Him, Fellas!
Do they have unmarked police stations in Australia? they must, because why else would anyone try breaking into one? Police say the man used a brick paver to smash a window at Kensington Police Station after jumping a side fence at about 6.45pm. He was caught by police after crawling through the hole. He was …
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Talk About A Behavioural Interview
Oops. Let’s hope this never happens to me. Guy is on the train in London. Someone’s in his way. He pushes and shoves him and tells him to go screw himself. He discovers he just swore at his interviewer. for whatever reason, he didn’t get the job. If that were me, and I figured out …
Klueless Krispy Kreme
Regardless of what some of my posts may suggest, I try very hard not to think of every marketing person as a complete idiot tool just because he’s in the ad business. I do this in spite of the fact that many in the herd make it very, very difficult. Take the geniuses at the …
Anybody Got Change For A Bag Of Drugs?
It’s nice to have good friends. Friends that will bail you out of jail when you get arrested for drunk driving. Or friends that will keep a seat warm for you when you come in to bail them out when you’ve been arrested for drunk driving, but forget to unhide your bag of cocaine from …
If You Really Believe In That Serve And Protect Stuff, You’ll Let Me Use Your Gun
Some things, no matter how many times you try them, are just never going to go well. This, for instance. “Hey, let me use your gun!” Deondrae Hall asked a Florida detective walking into the Boynton Beach Police Department headquarters. “I need to use your gun to take care of some niggas who robbed me,” …
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Easily iDentified
Not much to say here. A couple of goofs took somebody’s iPad while robbing his unlocked vehicle (Stop leaving your doors unlocked no matter how safe you think you are, everyone!), then proceeded to take photos and videos of themselves with it that were automatically uploaded to the rightful owner’s iCloud. Happens every day, it …