But Shouldn’t I Get Credit For Getting All Those Drugs Off The Streets?

I can only assume that Sylvia Mashiah had been doing a bit of quality assurance testing on the product she was attempting to smuggle into the United States, because there really is no other way to explain this. Instead of driving onward to her destination as most of us would after having been cleared to …

Knock Knock. Who’s There? A Drug Dealer. A Drug Dealer Who? A Drug Dealer Who Just Got Busted

Police raid drug houses every day, but it’s not every day they have to do so little legwork to catch the dealers. While police were searching the house, a man knocked on the closed front door. When police asked who it was, he identified himself as a drug dealer. Officers opened the door and the surprised man …

I’m Late, I’m Late, For A Very Unwanted Date

Having grown up on a steady diet of Unsolved Mysteries, America’s Most Wanted and pretty much anything with Bill Kurtis in it, I know that now and then a person might find herself in a situation where it feels like the only option left is to fake her own death. But for all the reasons …

Your Lawyer Is Funnier Than You

Honestly, I’m not sure what’s worse here. Allison Voner shooting a video of herself near a courthouse using cocaine and heroin, illegally driving a car and ranting about her probation officer, her putting that video on Facebook for everyone to see including the aforementioned probation officer or her lawyer saying with a straight face that …

If Eating Helps You Be Less Drunk, Then Eating This Here Paperwork Is A Good Idea, Right?

Nobody wants a DWI. But if you’re gonna get one you’re gonna get one, regardless of whether or not you succeed in your efforts to ingest the printout of your breathalyzer test results. An officer arrested him after suspecting he had been drinking. The officer brought Desormes to the state police barracks, where he was …

Oregon Grinder

I know Portland has a reputation for being a weird city, but this sounds more like Florida weird than Portland weird. Maybe Florida is contagious? An officer approached Joey Vandervort, 19, just after 12:30 a.m. in the area of North Lombard St. and North Burlington Street in St. Johns. Police said Vandervort was exposing himself …

I Don’t Like This Picture. Can I Come In And Have You Take Another One, Officer?

Being forced to look at a bad picture of yourself can be a horrible feeling, especially when that picture is one meant for public consumption. But when public consumption equals the Columbus, Ohio police department’s Warrant Wednesday feature because you robbed a friend at gunpoint, it might be best to just suck it up, buttercup. …

Mmmmm…Detergent Pods!

Holy crap this line from a story on children being poisoned by laundry pods. Just…holy crap. Jessica Morin of Houston says her 9-month-old daughter, Marlow, was sickened earlier this year when Jessica’s grandmother mistook a detergent pod for a teething toy and put it in the baby’s mouth. “I called poison control and they said …

Who Needs Handcuffs? No, Seriously, I Have Handcuffs

It’s doubtful you’ll hear much arguing when you make a statement such as if you’re in business, it’s good to advertise. It’s a very true statement. But also a true statement is for every rule, there is an exception. And in the business world, that exception can usually be found right around the point where …