Alright, Everybody! Put Your Hands Together For Terrible Mommy!

A strong work ethic is generally an admirable quality in a person, but this seems a little much. The Pasco Sheriff’s deputy said he was notified by the woman’s grandmother that the 10-year-old girl did not return home from a bar-be-que up the street. The deputy said Bobbey Jo Boucher left her daughter at the …

I’ll Be Home As Soon As I Finish Cooking Up A Story About Why I’m Not Home Yet, Honey

I’m a pretty lucky guy. If I want to stay out late with my friends, Carin is either with us anyway or asks nothing more of me than to please try not to wake her up whenever I decide to come home. The idea that I’d have to fake a debt-related kidnapping in order to …

I’ll Huff And I’ll Puff And I’ll…Fall Over And Get Arrested Once They Let Me Out Of The Hospital

The list of reasons not to rob a bank is a fairly long one. Had Shantoria Valentine bothered to construct such a list, I wonder if she would have been smart enough to include “I have no getaway car and running 3 blocks just ain’t gonna happen” on it. Mike Wadleigh noticed a woman hurrying …

It’s A Smallwood After All

When your name is Ryan Christopher Smallwood, you’d think that the last conversation you would want to get involved in would be one about your…well…wood. In this case, you would be wrong. At about 1 a.m., a Rock Hill police officer working overtime at the Waffle House on South Anderson Road noticed Ryan Christopher Smallwood, …

Give Me All Your Money! Ok, How About Some Of It? Any Of It? Anybody?

Today in a life of crime is not for you, we have this clown from Seattle. A 40-year-old man entered a restaurant in the 600 block of Fifth Avenue South about 8 p.m. and instructed employees to pass him all the cash in the register, according to police reports. He reportedly flashed a long, metal …

The Pain In Spain Falls Mainly From The Plane

There’s a reason it’s called the ice bucket challenge and not the ice fire-fighting plane challenge, you fucking idiot. Photographer Bruno Brokken, 51, was flown to hospital in a “critical condition” after the aeroplane opened the hatch dropping 396 gallons of water from a height of 22 feet at an aerodrome near Girona in north …

There Was No Murder. His Brain Cells Were Already Dead

People will try just about anything to get out of a speeding ticket, up to and including calling 911 to report a fake murder while the officer is distracted in the hopes that he’ll ditch your silly little traffic stop to go help out, apparently. When I say people, I mean Julius Lupowitz, because I …

The NRA May Or May Not Want Me And My Fellow Blindlings To Carry Guns, Because The NRA Is Ridiculous

Being one, I strongly believe that 99 times out of 100, blind people are much more competent in just about every aspect of life than the general public gives us credit for. Every day, blind people all over the world are completing tasks ranging from the mundane to the insane unhurt and without incident. But …

I Hear Sirens. My Supper Must Be Burning

There’s not a whole lot of detail here, but aside from knowing that Stephen L. Quinn (who spells his first name incorrectly) broke into the Planet X Cafe in Delaware and was taken into custody by police as he made himself a dinner of crab cakes and booze instead of taking things and running away, …