Abandon Class, Or Maybe Just Trip And Fall Into The Hallway

You remember Captain Francesco Schettino, don’t you? He was the fellow tasked with piloting the Costa Concordia cruise ship the night it ran aground on an island, killing 32 people. Or perhaps you might better recall him as the man who, in the aftermath of the disaster when his decisions were called into question, told …

Alright, Miss. Smile And Say I Have The Right To Remain Silent

Some days I wonder if the crooks are even trying anymore. Police are on the hunt for a woman who is believed to have stolen a credit card from a 74-year-old woman at a Florida Walmart and used it to make nearly $500 worth of purchases from a beauty shop, a dollar store and a …

Homophones Are So Gay! Oh, And You’re Fired

Today in perhaps you should be enrolling in the school instead of running it: Language School Blogger Fired for Writing About Homophones A social media specialist for a Utah language school that teaches English to non-native speakers says he was fired for writing a blog post about homophones—words that sound the same, but carry different …

Was That A Good Idea? Not Even Close

No matter how funny you think your dumb joke is, it’s probably best that you don’t bust it out for the friendly local reporter asking questions and taking pictures for one of those man on the street articles if you’re a bail jumper. A college student wanted for jumping bail on a drunken driving case …

Let’s Go Rogering

Usually when a story about some pervert taking upskirt photos of women in public places comes up, it’s creepy and gross, but generally not all that interesting. It’s pretty much always a hidden bathroom camera or one of those snazzy mini cams in a shoe, some charges and the world mostly moving on. But not …

Truly Terrible Commercial Song Choices

Cracked tackles a subject that’s come up here a few times over the years. The 6 Most Disturbing Song Choices by Huge Ad Campaigns To give you an idea of what you’re in for, Walmart’s tribute to working people set to Rush’s Working Man is probably the least offensive thing going on here. It makes …

Dear TSA: Washington, D.C. Is Part Of America. Signed, Anyone Who Ever Went To School For A While

Remember that time when a TSA agent didn’t realize that a valid Washington, D.C. driver’s license counted as United States identification? It appears the agency would appreciate it if you did, because they’ve done it again. Gray, who lives in Washington, D.C., was flying out of Orlando International Airport when a TSA agent said Gray’s …