Lean Forward…And Silence The Woman Talking About Important Things

Yesterday, I got to be impressed with our local CTV news for the first time in a while. I was worried leading up to 6 o’clock that they would lead with Justin Bieber because he’s from around here, but instead they went with things much more important (the Quebec seniors’ home fire, to be specific). …

Slapping The Baby Will Mean Something Completely Different Where He’s Going

Remember Joe Hundley, the drunken, “nigger baby” slapping Delta passenger? He’s going away for a while, no flight required. In October, Hundley pleaded guilty to a misdemeanor charge. While prosecutors recommended a six-month prison term, a federal magistrate today opted for a harsher sentence due to Hundley’s prior conviction for assaulting a girlfriend. Hundley apologized …

Divorce Doesn’t Mean What You Think It Means…Whatever That Is

If Jane Mulcahy was smart, she’d have used all that lawsuit money to buy herself a dictionary or 12. Then again, if Jane Mulcahy was smart, she wouldn’t have tried to sue her lawyer for not properly explaining to her that getting a divorce would end her marriage. The Roman Catholic argued that the lawyers …

What Does This Say? Why Would I Want To Pop My Mummy In The Bog? That Makes No Sense

Perhaps Jamal Garrett should have been a doctor instead of a criminal. Doctors seem to get along just fine with some truly shideous handwriting, but bank robbers…not so much, it seems. Police in Antioch, California say that Garrett, 29, walked into a Wells Fargo bank on Monday and handed a note to a clerk. But …

U.S. Customs Demolishes 13 Handmade Flutes. Your Move, United

I imagine Boujemaa Razgui wishes that United had just broken his guitar. As much as that whole situation sucked and was shitty, it sounds much more pleasant than being out 13 irreplaceable handmade flutes because some dope at Customs in New York’s JFK airport mistook them for chunks of bamboo and had them destroyed. In …

No Officer, I’m A Victim Too…Of Myself

You know that home invasion trick where you realize that the cops are on their way so you convince one of your victims to tie you up and say that you’re a victim too? Yeah, that works about as well as everyone smarter than you would expect. As police and SWAT units arrived, one suspect …

Kill Them With Kindness. But If That Fails, That’s What The Gun Is For

It’s become a pretty common lament that good customer service is getting harder and harder to find. Gone, say many, are the days when a friendly disposition and a few well placed pleases and thank yous would get you what you were after even when the old shopkeep insisted it wasn’t possible. But while there …

Sorry, I’m All Tide Up Right Now

There are a lot of things that can present problems for people at this time of year. Eating too much, drinking too much, spending too much, traveling too much, getting stuck in washing machines too much…wait, what was that last one? Naked Aussie Freed From Washer With Olive Oil The 20-year-old man, identified only as …