Ow! My Head! But Not For The Same Reason As These Morons

Like a tongue on a pole, let’s stick to the cold theme a little bit longer. I don’t remember ever doing the boil some water, throw it into the sky on a frozen ass day and watch it become snow experiment myself, but I’ve seen it done. It’s kind of neat. And until yesterday, I …

Yes, Apple Is Popular. But It Doesn’t Have Networking Standards Named After It, Mr. FBI Investigator Guy

The specifics of the case in question here aren’t really important, though threatening kids on the internet is certainly a serious matter. What I’m more concerned about is that there are FBI agents investigating online activity who think that the presence of a MAC address in network connection logs signifies that criminals are using Apple …


For Christ’s sake, people! Can we not get it through our heads that texting and moving is a bad idea already? The accident happened about 5 p.m. Monday — when there still was plenty of light. Witnesses at the Hosking farm claimed the driver was texting. Mount Hope police Chief Paul Rickard said the driver, …

Mmmmm, Sandalburger

During this festive time of year, you may find yourself partaking in a few shots or frosty mugs of what is commonly known as Christmas cheer. And while your friendly neighbourhood blog writin’ guys here at Vomit Comet World HQ certainly encourage such behaviour, we also recognize the importance of knowing one’s limit. And since …

The Ability To Film Yoga Classes Has Been Patented. In 2013

Derik Mills and Yogaglo, Inc are some serious geniuses. I never thought I would see the day when it would be possible to film something and stream it online. Well done, gents. And a hearty good game to the United States patent office, an institution which is clearly entirely competent and not broken in any …

Hopefully He’ll Inherit A Better Understanding Of Email Scams

I don’t know whether or not Robert Allan Wright Jr. is a good lawyer, but considering that he fell for a Nigerian scam brought to him by a client to the extent that he was borrowing money from other clients to help pay the fees to secure a supposed inheritance, my suspicion is no. But …

Canada Post Is Going To Make Us Pay More Money For Less Service. Who Do They Think They Are, Bell?

In the face of mounting losses, Canada Post has come up with an innovative plan to keep its services sustainable. that plan? Massive service cuts and price increases. The Conference Board of Canada study estimated savings of $576 million a year by eliminating door-to-door delivery to urban homes. Those areas – which account for about …

Run And Spill My Curly Fries, Run And Spill My Curly Fries…

How about a soundtrack? Good luck getting that out of your head. And the Newsroom 11 intro at the end just made me feel every bit of old that the commercial hadn’t already gotten around to. Now on to business. Pretty much immediately, we get a good sense that there’s something not quite right about …

Black Friday Body Count: Missing Dinner With Your Family Is Wrong, Says A Woman Missing Dinner With Her Family

Remember when I said that people kind of suck? Just listen to this woman who lined up on goddamned Wednesday to make sure she didn’t miss anything on Thursday. Anything but Thanksgiving with her family, I should say. For many retailers this year, Black Friday started on Thanksgiving Day. Luck called it “Blue Thursday” because …