
I heard about this on Friday, and went out to find it. Apparently some people over at 4chan, the same people who tricked people into shaving their heads for Justin Bieber, convincing them he had cancer, cooked up another doozer. It looked like an Apple ad for iOS7, except this ad told people that simply …

I Drive A Green Car But I Need It Painted Black. And Now I’m Locked Away And Freedom Won’t Come Back

At first, Westley C. French, Richard Andrew Genn and Gregory Raymond Carson weren’t doing too badly on their little crime spree. After beating and robbing the new owner of a truck that one of them had recently sold because they wanted it back, they ditched it a few hours later, I suppose figuring the police …

Not The Sharpest Arrow On The Jail Roof

Smuggling marijuana to your friends in prison by way of an arrow fired into the exercise yard is one of those best worst ideas. Best because it saves you having to cram it up your exit hatch and risk having it discovered during a search, but worst because if your aim is off, you could …

We Regret The Error, The June Edition

The geniuses at Deadspin have struck some serious gold with this one. They’ve started a feature called We Regret The Error, which compiles mistakes and the subsequent apologies that air on local newscasts. Amazingly (not really all that amazingly if you’ve watched the 6 o’clock news for any length of time), there are so many …

I Need A Helper To Assist Me With Understanding Homestead Taxi’s No Blind People Policy

Thankfully, beyond the odd one trying to rip me off now and then, I’ve never really had a problem with a cab company. Poor Carin has had a few minor scrapes, but I think those are mostly attributable to her having a dog. Right or wrong (it’s unquestionably wrong), I understand reactions like “aaaaaaaaaahhhhh, I’m …

Breaking News From CTV. It Was Hot Yesterday, You Guys! And We Can Even Show You Why!

So here’s one of the more embarrassingly stupid and useless things I’ve happened to catch on the news in a while. Not only is the hot weather a major story on the *local* newscast as if anybody living in the area is going to be caught completely off guard by it should they fail to …

No Sam, That’s Not How Breakdancing Works

I’m not sure which hallucinogenic substance police suspect Sam Schauer of being under the influence of, but if it’s going to have me running in circles and dancing around naked in a busy street, giving a running, flying, windshield shattering ass to a complete stranger’s car and drinking out of road puddles, I think I’ll …

Just Admit You Did It, You Pussy

What are the chances that the same cat that’s telling James Anthony Shroyer to rob banks, steal cars and run down the cops is the same little 4-pawed criminal bastard who downloaded all that child pornography onto the computer of poor, unsuspecting Keith R. Griffin all those years ago? During an interview with troopers at …

Sony And Amazon Don’t Think You Should Be Reading This Post, Blind Person

Why do companies that make products and provide services I enjoy have to be such complete and total discriminatory arseholes? Check out these utterly absurd reasons why Sony and Amazon don’t think they should have to comply with the Twenty-first Century Communications and Video Accessibility Act of 2010, which mandates that electronic devices be made …