How Those Fake Asian Pilot Names Appear To Have Found Their Way To That Newscast

Thanks to Rich Lieberman who blogs about media in the area, more information is coming out about how exactly those fake Asian pilot names wound up making it to air on the KTVU news. It turns out that the names were read out loud after all and even flagged as suspect by at least one …

Calling Any Of These Things Food Seems Mighty Generous

Since I’m about to go get lunch and I’m sure many of you are too, I figured why not send us all on our way with this. 10 Foods that Thankfully Flopped There are some real winners in here including Cereal Mates, which I don’t remember but which sounds completely wrong and horrifying. Number 2, …

This Phone Is Delicious

You’ve seen the wooden iPad and the potato iPad. Now, meet the apple iPhone. Police from the Upper Mt Gravatt Crime Prevention Unit say the 21-year-old woman placed an advertisement on the site saying she was interested in buying a few iPhones. Not long after she put the word out, a woman called and said …

Is The Place Called Little Temples Because We Need To Pray That The Kids Don’t End Up As Dumb As The Owner?

Since this is a story about kids and their daycare, let’s play a game. I’m going to tell you a tale and you’re going to guess what happened to this teacher. Michelle Hammack was inside her classroom at the Little Temples Childcare in Jacksonville, when she suddenly smelled smoke. “I just leaned over and peeked …

Crap! Nobody Told Us You People Read Braille With Your Hands!

Well done, Conservative Party research office, well done. Conservative disability mailout uses braille that’s unreadable The so-called “householder” pamphlets, prepared by the party’s research office and sent out by MPs using their parliamentary mailing privileges, were intended to flag the government’s efforts to help people with disabilities enter the workforce. The headline on the document, …

Yes, There’s Definitely Sum Ting Wong Here

I don’t know what the names of the crew aboard Asiana flight 214 are, but I’m pretty sure I know what they aren’t. Really, we’re not racist. Some of our best friends are Asian pilots. Indeed, to the surprise of no one other than the KTVU news team who apparently don’t bother reading anything aloud …

Boy, Are These Jewels Ever Heavy. I’ve Gotta Lie Down

We’ve seen stories of burglars falling asleep on the job before, but this is a little bit different. Domonique Pinkard and Julian Evangelist broke into a house intending to take things. While Evangelist ran off with a TV, some clothes and various other items, Pinkard managed only to pocket a few hundred dollars worth of …

Just Wait Until He Has To Come Up With Bail Money

Terminally cheap? Terminally foolish? Terminally trapped in a life of crime? I’m not sure, but when you’re resorting to using a stolen credit card to pay the $1 of the $16 fingerprinting fee you don’t happen to have on you to the Sheriff’s records department, you’ve got to be at least one, if not all …