But Officer, All I Did Was Give Her A Coors Light To Say Sorry For The Misunderstanding

Note to Timothy Paez: The expression piss on it is just another way of saying ahh forget it, like you should have done when the nice young lady at the bar rejected your advances. It is not, I repeat not something to be treated literally. The woman told police she was standing next to the …

Hey Hey! Ho Ho! We Were Sent By The PMO!

I sure am glad that the Harper government doesn’t have anything pressing to deal with these days. It must be nice to have so much free time on your hands that you can organize an entirely fake protest at a press conference held by the leader of Canada’s third party. HuffPost has learned the PMO …

Hello, 911? My Mug Shot Looks Terrible! Ok, We’ll Be Right Over To Help You Take Another One

“I look gorgeous in this mug shot” are words that to the best of my knowledge have likely never been spoken. Mug shots catch people at their worst, which makes them hard to like (for the subject, at least). But until I ran across the story of Tonya Ann Fowler just now, I had never …

Officer, I Think We Know Who You’re Looking For

Odds are this has probably happened before, but you certainly don’t hear about it every day. A couple of police officers in Tempe, Arizona were sitting in their unmarked car looking for clues that might help out an investigation into a string of burglaries in the area when they got some unexpected company in the …

Sure I Have Cancer. Just Ask Me…I Mean My Doctor

Here’s a case of fake cancer with a twist. The twist, as you may have assumed given what site you’re on, is that it was executed poorly. An unidentified 46-year-old Swedish woman, citing a fear of what prison life would be like, forged herself up a medical certificate stating that she was suffering from terminal …

I Wish He’d Said The Drugs Were In His Lap Because He Was Teaching Them How To Drive

Listen up, kids. This is why the friendly officers always tell you to wear your seatbelt whenever you’re in a car. Either that or it’s why they tell you not to tool around town with your drugs in your lap. Either way, the point I’m trying to make here is that making life decisions the …

For This Guy, BMW Will Always Stand For Bring My Wallet

Here’s a thief with some pretty horrible timing. He thought he was going to get away with a BMW right out of a guy’s driveway, but he happened to be getting ready to take it just as its owner remembered that he’d forgotten to lock it a few minutes earlier. “Approximately 15 minutes, I remembered …

Thanks For All The Free Stuff I Paid For

Having never tried it, I have no idea how simple identity theft is. Given the frequency with which it occurs, however, I assume that it must be relatively easy. But easy as it may be, it appears to still be too difficult for some. Today, some equals an unidentified person or persons that police have …

Sign In Support Of The Blind’s Right To Access Printed Books…If You Can Get Past The CAPTCHA

Equal access to printed material for the blind is an issue that’s pretty close to our hearts for obvious reasons, so I’m happy to plug this petition. No matter how many times I hear something like this, I’m always baffled and saddened by corporations that don’t want to not only do the right thing as …

Angry Drunks On A Plane, Or Roger Stephens Goes Flying

Someone else has gone all Roger Stephens on a screaming kid, but apparently Joe Hundley decided to raise the bar by also being a drunken racist. The boy’s mother, Jessica Bennett, 33, told the FBI their flight was on final descent into Atlanta when her 19-month-old son started to cry due to the altitude change. …