No Officer, That Wasn’t A Ringtone. It Was Just Me Farting

If you’re planning on smuggling a phone into jail with you via the good old Hershey Express, always always always remember to turn it off before packing it. Remember, not expecting a call doesn’t necessarily mean you’re not going to get one. The Agence France-Presse reports that the 58-year-old convict had concealed the phone, along …

You Rang? Yes, You Definitely Rang

Florin Constantin thought he had come up with a pretty good plan. Wearing some custom-made leggings under his pants, he headed out to the Waterfront bar in Norwich, England and proceeded to stuff them full of cell phones belonging to the pub’s customers. Not bad, right? Well yes, aside from one not so small detail …

Ten Of Music’s Nuttiest Drummers

this is cool. THE 10 CRAZIEST DRUMMERS EVER. It’s a fairly quick read, but it’s fascinating. If you like knowing a bit about the people who make your favourite music happen and how batshit insane they can be, take a few minutes to read this. Bill Ward Anyone who could put up with Ozzy Osbourne …

Alligator Guy, Alligator Guy, One Bit Me On The Arm And One Bit Me On The Eye

Not that there’s always a whole lot of it to question, but I often find myself questioning the logic of people who run from the police. For starters, you’re probably not going to get away, so why go to all the trouble? And when they do catch you, that takedown is going to suck, there’s …

The Money Is Fake, But The Trouble He’s In Isn’t

Here’s a stupid idea. You’re in the courthouse. Based on the amount of money you find yourself having to part with, it seems a reasonable assumption that your time there may not be going as well as you had hoped. Faced with this reality, I can only imagine the thought process of Fernando Costa went …

Deer Crossing Doesn’t Mean What You Think It Means

My sister sent me this Please Move The Deer Crossing video a while ago, but I kept forgetting about it and losing it among the far too many messages in my completely ridiculous inbox. Part of the reason is that I was sure it had to be a fake. Her description made it sound like …

Man Down The Hole

I’ve never dropped my keys down a manhole, but just imagining it is enough to make me feel my heart sink a little. So when 49-year-old Richard Brandenberg offered his experience working in sewers to a woman who did, I’m sure she was thrilled. I’m also pretty sure that the thrilled feeling began to dissipate …

This Wasn’t Even A Halfway Decent Idea

If I were in the position to make such a call, there’s almost no way I would have authorized this particular readiness drill. A school district in Oregon is catching some flak after it recently sicced two masked gunmen loaded with blank on a meeting room full of teachers as part of a surprise “readiness …

If You Require Assistance, Talk To Us About A Refund. You Won’t Be Going Anywhere On Our Watch

So this is pretty stupid. Blind Trafford pals lose dream holiday because they can’t watch flight safety information This is bad news for Carin, who is a blind and increasingly frequent air traveler. Oh, and I’m sure it also sucks for the many thousands of other blind people who have been flying around the globe …

Step Right Up! Come Get Taken For Everything You Own Like A Total Idiot!

Guys like Henry Gribbohm here are probably one of the main reasons that the Ontario government is meeting so much resistance to its efforts to open casinos here in Kitchener and elsewhere. In an attempt to win an Xbox Kinect at a carnival, this clown somehow managed to lose about $2600 on a ball toss …