What Kind Of Kool-Aid Pairs Best With Police Car?

Nimrods calling 911 to ask that things such as burgers, Kool-Aid and weed be delivered to them is at the point where it’s pretty much not weird anymore. No, not even if said nimrod calls 911 nearly 100 times. But fortunately, now and then you meet a guy like Jarvis Sutton who’s willing to do …

CBC KW Hits The Air Friday, And This Time It’s Legal

At last, our long local nightmare is over. After the incredible stupidity of forgetting to make sure it was legal and the completely ridiculous explanation of why it forgot to do that, CBC has the licence it should’ve had when it announced it would be launching in March and will be making its triumphant return …

CBC Radio Kitchener Explains The Botched Launch…In The Silliest Way Possible

Update: The CRTC is in a good mood today. According to The Record, CBC KW has a licence now. Still no word on when it will return to the air or if there will be any fines handed out over this debacle. The Guelph Tribune has gotten an explanation from the CBC about how the …

The Amazing Disappearing Kitchener CBC

I love the CBC. Its news coverage is among the best around, it’s meant the world to the Canadian comedy scene, it plays loads of great music and is the home of some of my favourite sports memories. With all that going for it, how could I not love it? But as much as I …

Yes Telus, Being Robbed Blind Is Awesome

Nearly without fail, anybody who hears about or has any experience with Canada’s Cellular phone industry comes away with the same impression. Good lord is it ever massively overpriced. It’s gotten so bad in comparison to pretty much anyplace else that the CRTC has finally started paying attention, holding hearings on the state of things. …

“Where’s Our Son?” “He’s Fine. I Sent Him Out To Play With Mike.”

Good: Your 2-year-old child is out in the yard on a lovely Sunday afternoon, happily playing and sipping on some lemonade. Not so good: Your 2-year-old child is found wandering down the road on a Sunday afternoon. He’s not wearing any shoes or socks and he’s got a bottle of hard lemonade in each hand. …

Make Money, Live In Jail

Taking things back to a store is generally a pretty simple process. There are really only two things you need to remember to do: 1. Bring your receipt. 2. Leave the sheet full of counterfeit $100 bills you printed off just about anywhere but inside of the printer you’re trying to return. Jarad S. Carr …

Who Wants To Listen To Some Spotify? Not So Fast There, House Of Representatives Worker

The story is a couple months old and I’m not sure this is still going on, but it’s worth noting anyway because when the RIAA comes down on the right side of things, you really are doing it wrong. If you work in the United States House of Representatives and like to pass your time …

There’s No Place Like The Neighbourhood Police Station

Tip: If you’re going to head over to Applebee’s for some drinks, you might want to leave the stolen ID at home if you’re of legal drinking age. But if you absolutely must take it with you, spend a few seconds making sure that the face on it doesn’t look an awful lot like your …