So Elizabeth A. Hoen, you’ve just successfully shoplifted three steaks from a grocery store. What are you going to do now? Well, I think I’ll stand on this here street corner without my pants on, and when this inevitably draws the attention of the authorities I’ll put them back on and then me and my …
Category Archives: that was dumb
Size Matters
If you have a complaint about the treatment and service you’ve received from a business, sometimes it’s a good idea to take that complaint to the BBB. But in spite of what Demetrius Patterson may have you believe, BBB does not stand for Bang! Bang! Bang! Officers were called around 11:31 p.m. on Friday, Dec. …
Did Somebody Say My Burger Has Cheese On It?
I hate when a restaurant worker screws up my order, especially when it involves something that’s difficult or impossible to fix. It actually happened to me just this week. but as much as I’d sometimes like to flip out and give a person or 3 the what for, I know there are better ways of …
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The Hitchhiker’s Guide To Getting Arrested
For several reasons, hitchhiking is a very popular mode of transportation for those who find themselves on the run. But handy as it is for covering long distances undetected, there’s also a lot of room for the undetected part to go completely out the window. This is especially true when the mighty and mysterious hand …
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That Wasn’t Very Sharp, Officer Delivery Man
I doubt I’d admire much about Christopher Sharp, but I have to say I’m kind of impressed by his commitment. Unfortunately that commitment was to lying about being a police officer for 6 months to impress the girl he was dating, but hey. According to the Hernando County Sheriff’s Department, Sharps’s time pretending to be …
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Florida: Where Even The Sex Stings Are More Stupid Than Most
I don’t think I’m breaking any news when I say that people are not very smart. check out some of the folks arrested during an under cover sex sting operation in Florida. I’m not sure who my favourite is. It’s either this guy: Jeremiah Hintz, 32, of Sebring, had been attending South Florida Community College …
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Sugar Land: A City So Safe, The Criminals Come To The Police
Every day, untold numbers of homes are broken into. Some of them, as we’ve seen time and again, are broken into by people for whom planning is clearly not a personal strength. But it’s not every day we see planning of such poor quality that it results in a couple of guys breaking into the …
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Excuse Me Officer, Can You Help Me Find More Trouble Than I’m Already In?
for most guys, asking for directions is something we just don’t do. And for this guy, it’s something he probably shouldn’t have done. Kenneth Charlton, 41, found himself a little lost one morning. So when he saw a police cruiser parked by the side of the road, he decided to ask the friendly officer inside …
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If You Haven’t Nuked Your iPhone Yet, Ask Siri If It Rains In Australia
Here’s today’s friendly reminder not to believe everything you read. Even though somebody on Twitter said that it totally works, it is not suddenly ok to put metal in the microwave. No, not even for the 20 to 30 seconds you were told it would take to charge your iPhone battery. Indeed, this is ending …
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Way Hey And Away We Go, Donkey Robbing Donkey Robbing
Not being up on my everyday Colombian crime news, I have no idea how common getaway donkeys are. but even had I not read this, the idea would have struck me as kind of dumb. This is especially true when the donkey you’ve loaded up with stolen goods is himself stolen property and not in …
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