Can’t Text. Phone’s Freezing…And So Am I!

At least this woman has a good sense of humour…and already made the joke about her own name. But I still wonder if she knows Bonnie Miller or Cathy A. Cruz Marrero. Laura Safe was merrily texting away, lum dee dum dee doo, texting as she went down the stairs, lum dee dum dee doo…until…sploosh! …

Chick Jail Resident

When are people going to learn to stop doing this? Dont’ answer that. A brazen Nebraska bank robbery ended with the arrest of a teenage girl who boasted on YouTube about carrying out the crime. Hannah Sabata, 19, faces theft and robbery charges in connection with the Nov. 28 holdup at a Cornerstone Bank in …

Maybe He Should Try Houdiniing Instead Of Criminaling

Signs the carjacking life may not be for you: You order a woman getting out of her car to get back in. she does, then promptly drives away and leaves you standing in the parking lot. You try the same trick this time with a gun, but rather than fearfully listening to you, the woman …

Your Local Emergency Room Wishes You A Happy Gun Appreciation Day

January 19th was the first ever Gun Appreciation Day in America. Yes, Gun Appreciation Day is exactly what it sounds like. Right wing groups getting together to organize a celebration of firearms in response to the renewed push for gun control laws. I don’t want to go off on a big gun control rant or …

How We All Intend To Laugh At Bill Cook’s Sad Robbery Attempt

I’ve learned a lot from all the crime documentaries I watch. For instance, I know that when the goal is a successful robbery, having a detailed plan can be a big help. I’ve also learned a lot from all the people I write about here. For instance, I know that if you do have a …

How Do You Say The French Teacher Is Showing Us His Shween Online In French?

Here’s a strange one. Yes, I’m aware that covers about 87% of everything that finds its way here. I just needed a way to start this, and that was the best I had. Anyway… A 43-year-old high school French teacher from LaSalle, Quebec has lost his job after pleading guilty to charges that he lured …

No Parking, Even If You’re An Ambulance!

Whatever went down here, I’d say everyone in the area should avoid this Quicky’s Convenience store in New Orleans. The description of things they do on a regular basis sound pretty scummy. But where they got burned was when one of their employees applied an immobilizing boot to an ambulance while EMT’s were inside trying …

I’d Like To Report Some Stolen Stolen Goods…

Oh wow. I read about this, and my brain melted. Then I showed Steve and his brain melted. So it needs a spot up here. This was not Mauricio Fierro’s best day at all. He decided to rob a pharmacy. But when he came back out with his stolen cash, he discovered someone had stolen …

If The Locks Don’t Work, Can You Still Call It Maximum Security?

Imagine a jail that hasn’t had working cell door locks for about a decade. Sounds stupid, doesn’t it? Unimaginable perhaps? Could never happen, you say? Well my friends, since you’ve clearly forgotten which website you’re reading, I invite you to think again. The Fulton County jail will get door locks that work next year, preventing …

Maybe Police Should Do A Google Search For Thorough Phorensic Investigation Methods

When I heard about this story, it sounded like it should have been a piece of satire, written in a PC magazine somewhere. Sadly, this is no joke. I think everybody knows who Casey Anthony is, right? Prosecutors couldn’t prove conclusively that she had killed her daughter. They even searched her computer and had no …