The Holes In Your Mask Match The Holes In Your Brain

Mesh masks not appropriate PPE in classrooms, Brantford school board says How thick do you have to be to need this clarified? Good lord. Unless you legit don’t know what mesh is because your language doesn’t have a word for it and you can’t look at it or touch it for reasons outside of your …

For Sale: One…No. Not One Of Those

When advertising something for sale online, it is wise to include a photo of the item in question so that prospective buyers can more easily tell whether or not they’re interested. Also wise? Taking a gander at that photo before uploading it just in case the big ol bag of meth that is not for …

Catch And Release

Today’s handy criminal hint: When attempting to pull the old steal a car from a dealership and then trade it in at another dealership scam, it is helpful to keep in mind that thing I just said about *another* dealership. According to First Coast News and some other Florida outlets, police in Jacksonville responded to …

Doling Out Apologies

It’s not every day that the NDP borrows a page from the Conservative playbook. Ontario’s New Democrats have apologized for a social media advertisement that mistook one Progressive Conservative legislator for another. The ad that ran in April said Premier Doug Ford and Tory legislator Kaleed Rasheed had paid sick days at a time when many …

Chinese People Are Still Throwing Coins Into Plane Engines For Luck. It’s Still A Bad Idea

If the airplane COVID doesn’t kill you, perhaps the paper-wrapped coins some putz chucked into the engine will. Yes, people are still doing that. It wasn’t Lucky Air this time, but they did fall victim to this phenomenon again in 2020, according to the story. In that case, a 28-year-old man was ordered to pay …

Never Get High While In Charge Of The Supply

There’s never a good time to fall asleep at a red light, but doing so in the middle of the afternoon while you’re driving around with a veritable pharmacy worth of illegal substances in your car is especially bad. A fellow from Corunna, Ontario found this out the hard way recently when a nice officer …

Sir, We Donut Want You Eating In Here

It seems to me that if I were an identity thief and a shoplifter who was already on probation, I would want to keep a low profile. What I would not want is to be caught doing something silly like, say, being an asshole to store clerks during a pandemic. Guelph police were first called …

Alright Boys, Throw The Book AT Him

As a thief, your job is to take things with you, not leave them behind. This becomes especially important when the thing left behind is a notebook with a bunch of incriminating evidence and identifying information in it. Robert Shull Goddard, 49, allegedly broke into a house in the Hillwood neighborhood on Jan. 29 by …