I saw this story a while back, and I actually squirmed and squished my legs together. Uuug. What’s with people feeling up people on planes? All I know is Pratik Doshi is one creepy man. I don’t think I could make that up if I tried. And has he done that before? And did it …
Category Archives: the friendly skies
Not The Kind Of 2 For 1 Flight Deal Anyone Would Want
It’s thankfully been a while since we’ve brought word of any in-flight gropings. So since this is the human race, you know what that means. Two for one time! Ug. First up you might say is Eun-jong Lee, a 47-year-old professor. According to a criminal complaint sworn by FBI Agent Mary Anne Flippo, Lee and …
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If You’re Going To San Francisco, Be Sure To Wear A Stranger In Your Shirt
This in-flight molestation business is getting to the point where it may need its own tag. I should get around to that whenever it is that I finally make one for United Breaks. Anyway, the latest case took place on a British Airways flight from London to San Francisco earlier this month. The victim was …
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No Sir, The Announcement Said Children Flying Alone Can Get Help On The Plane, Not Help You Get Off On The Plane
Ok seriously now, what’s the deal with guys groping women on planes? Is it some sort of perceived vulnerability thing? A sense that your victim can’t get away and that fuck it, they can’t arrest me in the sky so I might as well go for it? Whatever the reason it seems like it happens …
3 Seats To A Row: For When Groping One Woman On Your Flight Just Isn’t Enough
What’s better than sexually assaulting one woman on an airplane? Well, if you’re Saurabh Agarwal and the FBI is telling the truth, the answer is trying to sexually assault two women on an airplane. In a sworn affidavit, FBI Agent David Wiegand reported that “R.C.L” was seated next to Agarwal on American Airlines Flight 1142, …
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I Was Hoping We Could Fly JetBlew Together
I don’t know how to introduce this, so let’s just get to the story. Brett Zorse, 50, apparently took a liking to a 32-year-old woman he was seated next to on a flight between San Francisco and New York. Being the friendly, flirtatious type, Zorse struck up a conversation or 2 with her during the …
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Get Hard. Fly Upright
And now, Leonard Sawyerr shows us how to go from being a lawyer to a former lawyer, based on this account of a recent airplane ride. Sawyerr insisted the arm rest between he and [a] woman remain raised to eliminate any physical barrier and…during the flight he continuously asked her personal questions. When efforts to …
Sir, That’s Not A Traytable. Please Take It Out Of The Upright Position
Update: Pearce has plead guilty to a misdemeanor and will be sentenced August 19th. He’s currently free on $25000 bond and has already been ordered to undergo a mental evaluation and get counseling as conditions attached to that freedom. Air travel can at times be a stressful, boring experience. But there are better ways to …
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Tabasco Sauce, Eh?
We have a new excuse given for playing with oneself, this one given by Rafael Escamilla. He was on a plane beside a seventeen-year-old girl. Suddenly she looked up and he had one hand on his laptop and the other hand on his, er, mouse. When she told her dad and they got the police …
Sir, This Isn’t The Cockpit
Oh me oh my. What a story. Let’s just get to telling it. According to reports from flight staff on an airplane, Neil Prendeville, a popular radio personality, just unzipped his pants and started wackin’ it while sitting in his seat between two passengers. He apologized on air for the incident, claiming that he had …