There was this funny video that we couldn’t stop watching when we had Christmas with Steve’s family. It was only a short, but we couldn’t stop laughing. I think what made it even funnier was how hard Seppa laughed at it. First, he was just laughing because we were laughing…which made us laugh harder. Then …
Category Archives: thoughts
Stumbling Into 2025
I don’t think I’m quite as sad-sounding as that AI-generated guy is, but it still has a note of truth to it, and it made me giggle, so it’s the soundtrack for this post. Also, side note: Did anybody else hear that Auld Lang Syne song as a kid and think “What? Old Anxiety?” And …
Have A Holly Jolly What Now?
This “There I Ruined It” guy really has a very twisted mind. Only he could Take “Get Low” and set it to “Holly Jolly Christmas” and not only have it work, but get it stuck in my head so that when I’m doing Christmas things, I get the “Holly Jolly Christmas” tune in my head, …
Is Everything Moving On High Speed?
I think we have a new phenomenon called New Year’s Creep. It’s not just Christmas. Now people want to speed right on to the next thing. I was walking through the mall the other day, and I heard Auld Lang Syne playing! This was in November. All I could think was way to make me …
The ADHD Earworm
I just heard this song from the Holderness Family a couple of days ago, and now it won’t leave me alone. It’s a good thing it’s a good song. In fact, sometimes when I get distracted by something, or forget why I came in a room, or think about things at the exact wrong time, …
Chuuuuuuuck is Retiiiiiiiring!
If you don’t know what that title said, it was my best impression of my reaction to the news that Chuck is Retiring at the end of July. When I got the email that Chuck Farrugia, my field representative for Guide Dogs for the Blind was retiring after 33 years of amazing service to all …
A Few Uplifting Words To Play Over Someone else’s Car Speakers
I didn’t wake up thinking that I was in a particularly down mood today, but I must be. I say that because I remember a time when I would read a story like this one here about a carjacker who was identified because he connected his phone to the car’s Bluetooth, say to myself something …
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Sleep Talkin’ 5. The Bit, I Believe, Is Still Alive!
In our last installment of let’s make fun of what Carin says in her sleep, I thought this little bit would be a thing of the past now that Santa had arrived. But apparently, it still has some life in it, although a little less. There’s one interesting pattern we have noticed: if there is …
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Here Comes 2024
Hi there. It’s me, the biggest absentee blogger in history. Since I started going back to the office, even though I have more energy thanks to ol’ Santa the CPAP machine, I can’t seem to find the time to write, even though I have a great heap of ideas. So…um…it’s 2024. I say this every …
All I Want For Christmas Is Words, Goats And A Chicken
I’ll be honest here. The last little while, I’ve been having a hell of a time with the part of my brain that comes up with thoughts and words and then turns them into blog posts. I don’t exactly know why and I doubt I ever will, but it’s happening and it’s frustrating. Perhaps the …
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