Goodbye 2015, You Mixed Bag Of Wackiness!

So yeah. There’s only 2 whole days left in this whirlwind of a year that is 2015. How in the sweet merciful hell did that happen? I feel like I’ve been running on what I thought was a treadmill, but now I realize that it was one of those moving sidewalks in the airport and …

A Late Merry Christmas And An Early Happy New Year

Turns out I forgot to wish you all a merry Christmas. Oops. I know Carin took care of it before we left, but I generally do it too, so consider it done. It wouldn’t be me if something wasn’t done late, right? Who am I to mess with tradition? But if I were one to …

I’m Just Begging For Directions

After I wrote this post about my encounter with a guy looking for spare change, I got thinking about something else. I have to ask…do we really have a huge problem with panhandling in Cambridge? The reason I ask is last weekend I happened to be there Christmas shopping and I was looking for my …

Some Hopefully Uber Helpful Uber Tips

I thought I’d pass on a couple of Uber-related things that I have figured out. I am happy to say I really haven’t had any worse of an experience than I’ve had with cabs, and most of the Ubers have been way better. I’m very thankful, though, that I never had to deal with this …

On Uber And Real Competition

Following the battle between Uber and the world’s taxi companies, I keep hearing one thing that’s starting to bug me. It’s the notion that while cab companies in each city have loads of competition, Uber doesn’t. While in a sense that’s true, it’s also kind of a silly argument. To illustrate this point, let’s use …

Why Are Niqabs An Election Issue?

I have to ask, because I’d like a Conservative who honestly feels that this issue is one upon which our election should hinge and upon which the future of our entire country and indeed our very way of life hinges now to explain it to me in a way that makes sense. It seems important …

So I’ve Tried Uber. Here Are My Thoughts

A while ago, Steve welcomed Uber to KW. I’ve been trying Uber out, and I have to say that for the most part, the experience has been pretty awesome. I should be clear. When I could manage to get an Uber ride, the experience was awesome. Aside, grammar peopleā€¦is it a Uber or an Uber? …