So…we made it through Christmas. Today was a day of *flop*. I don’t know why this Christmas was so exhausting, but wow. I must be getting old. I’m posting these pictures of Tansy with Santa for two reasons: first, so they can be up for all to see, and second, pleasepleaseplease tell me I fixed …
Category Archives: thoughts
So um, guys? Where did 2013 go? Who ate it? It feels like we’re just getting warmed up, but here we are, getting ready for Christmas. Exactly how did that happen? I started writing this yesterday when we were in the middle of one hell of an ice storm, in which the cops are telling …
When Winter Falls
Sorry for the slowness round here this week. I needed a bit of brain rest, then we got some sad news we weren’t expecting, and now I’m fighting off and mostly whooping the ass of some sort of cold type thing. It’s amazing what you can do and how quickly you can do it when …
Our House Is Haunted By A Vitamin Hating Ghost
I’m not one to believe in things like ghosts and spirits, but this is a little weird so what the hell, let’s write it down. Most nights we fall asleep listening to Those Old Radio Shows on CHML. On the weekends, that often means waking up to infomercials by Purity Products, who would like very …
Continue reading “Our House Is Haunted By A Vitamin Hating Ghost”
Black Eyes Look Better When They’re Shaded
I’ve never been one to want to wear make-up. I dunno, buh, I just never did it. But last week, I wished I had a clue about putting on the stuff. Here’s why. A week ago yesterday, due to some wacky fluke, I fell and smacked my head. I had Tansy’s leash in one hand …
Continue reading “Black Eyes Look Better When They’re Shaded”
White Poppies Make Me See Red
One thing I’ve noticed in this town is I’ve found it hard to find a place to get a poppy! I went to the bank across the street, I ran there before work, and no, they didn’t have them, nor did they know where I should go. I’ve never had to google it, but I …
Old Toys
Yup, I’m full of random posts. I hope these aren’t boring. A while back, I noticed that the noise What’sApp makes when you have new messages reminded me of something…something…what was it? What I settled on was the little humming noise an old toy I used to have made if you shook it just right. …
We’ve Lived In Kitchener For A year. Oh, And Metropolitan Movers Is Still Amazingly Terrible
Today marks a year since Carin and I moved to Kitchener from guelph. I’m not sure where all that time went, but here we are. We’re doing well and really starting to like it here. We’re constantly learning more and more useful things about how to get around these 3 cities that somebody decided should …
So I Had My Eyes Ultrasounded Yesterday
My eye ultrasound was yesterday, and since you’re reading this so soon, it means I didn’t die or get seriously maimed during the process. Yay! I was a little worried about things in the days leading up to it just because I didn’t know what to expect. I can handle different types of doctor induced …
What’s This Eye Surgery Business
Seems my passing reference to eye surgery in yesterday’s happy birthday to the blog post didn’t go unnoticed. Nice to see that folks are paying attention. So since people are asking about it, I should probably explain. I’ll let one of the comments I left over there do some of the heavy lifting for me. …