Just a quick note, because I don’t want this to wait super super long. To recap for people who might not know, our neighbour from our old building has a kid that I nicknamed the huppy because in one of my Trixie posts, I called him a human puppy. Well, on Thursday, Huppy 2.0 was …
Category Archives: thoughts
The Final Round Of Doggie Updates…For Now!
I think, maybe, this will be my last completely dog-focused post for a while. *puffpuff*. That was a lot of notes. I learned a lot more about Tansy the plant when Steve and I went to Cambridge Centre one Sunday. We met a lady who dyes her own yarn, and she says she uses Tansy …
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Tansy Updates, Great And Small, Part V
Is anybody bored yet? *hopes not* I’ve amassed an insane pile of observations, but maybe this stuff is only fun for me. About that, it seems with Tansy, I have this need to try and capture everything. I have tried to record her labby loops around the living room. I have tried to observe everything …
Tansy Updates, Great and Small, Part IV
So it’s morning. Time to get more Tansy stuff up. I have had so many firsts go by already. Tansy had her 2nd birthday back on May 31, and I didn’t blog a word. Shame on me. I think that must have been quite the birthday, we had a long day of work, followed up …
Tansy Updates, Great and Small, Part II.
Geesh I’m tired after writing that first giant post. But if I stop, I’ll never get started again. Really need to write these when they’re more manageable. I notice how much I learned from Trixter, and to some extent Babs. The way I react to the curveballs Tansy throws me sort of reminds me of …
Tansy Updates, Great And Small, Part I
Um, hello there. It’s September. I haven’t written in a long time and it’s getting so all the beginnings of my posts look the same. But I’ve been compiling a lot of notes, to the point that even looking at the notes file makes me want to run away. Let’s start with the easy stuff, …
The Jays Suck, Concerts Don’t And Wrestling Is Somewhere In Between
So here we are, nearly at the end of July. How the hell did that happen? I was talking to somebody the other day about how fast this year is going, and we agreed that while most years fly bye anymore, this one seems to be doing so even quicker than usual. Even though we’ve …
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I Need Another iPhone
A shade under nine months ago, I got my iPhone. At the time, that one iPhone was far more than enough iPhones for me. But since that day, I have, as I predicted I might in that post, grown to love the thing. I must stop here to point out that I do not in …
New Dog, Here We Come!
Well…tomorrow I get on a plane. Yup, that long awaited March 24 is tomorrow. I’m getting a ride to the airport (thank you Steve’s mom) so that means 3 a.m. I’ll be leaving. Yee ha! Guess who’s not sleeping tonight? We’re definitely seeing signs that this pooch is going to come. I have hooks in …
Life, The Universe, CSUN, Trixie, Guide Dog Class, And Everything
Here I am again…much sooner than last time but still taking a long time between posts. CSUN was amazing. Damn I wish I could go every year. And I really didn’t get to see much of the exhibit hall since I was in so many sessions. It was weird basically having to make your own …
Continue reading “Life, The Universe, CSUN, Trixie, Guide Dog Class, And Everything”