Moving-Related Thoughts: So How Are We Anyway?

Holy crap I’m discovering I have a lot to say. Twice I set out to write *1* post about moving. Twice I’ve had to stooooop…so it didn’t overflow into miles and miles and miles and miles of writing. Hmmm. How far will I get in this post? So while all this is going on, Rogers …

Greetings From KW

Well…we’re here. We’ve packed up Vomit Comet World HQ and moved it from Guelph to Kitchener. We’ve been here for about a week now, and to say things haven’t exactly gone smoothly would be quite the understatement. If you follow Carin and I on Twitter or have talked to us you might have a bit …

What a Nice Happy song! Oh my!

I’m in a strange strange mood this morning. So you get my strange strange musings. I was riding into work with a coworker yesterday and he had the French CBC radio station on…and an old song came on that I hadn’t heard in years. It got me thinking about my impressions of this song …

Rob Ford Is A Piece Of Garbage

Update: I posted this as a comment, but I want to slap it here as well, just in case. Email I just received: “Just a note. Rob Ford’s response of “probably” was to the police’s comment saying he needed a driver. Diminishes the validity of your article. Darren” As I told him when I wrote …

RNIB’s Ad Is Not Offensive. People Getting Offended By RNIB’s Ad Is What’s Offensive

Over the weekend, people on Twitter and probably other places I don’t frequent started getting all up in arms about this RNIB (Royal National Institute of Blind People) fundraising ad. Yes, that acronym looks weird to me, too. “It makes blindness out to be pathetic,” they said! “This commercial is garbage!” “Makes us seem like …

We Live!…Kind Of

So…sure has been a while, eh? Seems that last time either of us wrote something it was July 11th. It’s now July 21st. I’d say I was sorry for the quiet time, but honestly, I’d be lying if I were to do that. Carin still exists but not around here so much, and to be …