Well holy crap, it’s another year starting. Each year seems to go faster and faster. Before we know what hit us, Christmas will be here again and I’ll be repeating the same stuff. I don’t think this holiday update will be as huge as they usually are. I’m happy to report that unlike last Christmas, …
Category Archives: thoughts
Thought Explosions About #SpikeMobileCCC and other things.
Here comes another monster o thoughts. While I’m doing the laundry, I might as well write a blog post. This whole being out of town part time thing has taught me that I suck at time-management. I was always able to get by since I had lots of flexibility to get stuff done. I didn’t …
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I Won the Right to Save Some Bills, I Saw Some Bills And Quickly Try To Save My Radio Sanity
Just a couple of small things I forgot to mention/didn’t know I’d be mentioning while I was brain dumping away yesterday. The WWE pay-per-view prediction contest I’ve mentioned here and there is over. And in an act completely uncharacteristic of me, I won! I managed to keep the 2 point lead I had going into …
Here, Have A Post
This is one of those posts where I start writing without much of an idea of what I’m going to write about and see where it takes me. It’s been a busy last few days. Friday consisted of some running around, a late lunch with my brother and sister and then seeing the Arrogant Worms …
A Few Words On Guelph Transit’s Ridiculousness
Excuse me for a second while I rant about Guelph Transit. Yes, again. Listen, guys. I understand that you have a tough job. Pleasing everybody in a city of 100 some thousand people many of whom have different wishes, wants and needs cannot be an easy task. I’ll even be up front and admit that …
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Complaining, Christmas And Wrestling
You know what sucks? Migraines. You know what sucks more? Migraines that last for a couple of days and then leave you a worn out shell for another day after they’re gone. And you know what else sucks? Getting over the migraine, feeling better for a day and then running smack into one of those …
Sploosh Splosh Swimmin’ In A Thought Pool
It’s random thought splatter time. Put on your rubber boots, this thought puddle’s a doozer. Like every year, I have to get my silly Christmas shopping talk in there. When December started, I was flipping out, I’d hardly bought anything, and it was…what was Steve’s word? De-fucking-cember? I can’t find it, but ya know. Anyway, …
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I’m Not Sure Why I Wrote This
There’s snow outside. Not a lot of it, but it’s honest to god snow, the stuff that sticks to the ground. I’m not impressed because I really can’t stand winter anymore, but I know it’s only going to get worse. Hopefully not so much worse that the services of the military are required like they …
It’s The Occupy VC Cast
Well, it is here. The Occupy VC Cast, the Occucast, whatever you want to call it, it’s here…and it’s about to occupy about 2 hours of your time. It would be awesome if you found it 99% funny. We divided it into 4 parts. It would have been only 3, but well, ya see, I’m …
We Went To The Baker Street Station And You Should Too
Yesterday was my birthday. Ok so it’s actually not for a few more weeks, but we pretended it was and Carin took me out to the brand new Baker Street Station. It’s been open for about a week and change and we’d been looking for an excuse to pop in and try it, so hey, …
Continue reading “We Went To The Baker Street Station And You Should Too”