You Can Walk In, But We Don’t Have To Take You And We Don’t Have To Tell You That

I should start off by saying that no, I didn’t have a bad experience at the walk-in clinic today, in fact it was pretty great from a blind dude needing customer service perspective. Everybody I dealt with was nice and helpful, so thank you, Campus Estates. I’m glad I can say that, because if I …

>A Rather Unmemorable Remembrance Day Ceremony

>Yesterday the huppy’s mom called me up and asked me if I wanted to go to the Remembrance Day service. I hadn’t been to one in years, I don’t know why, so I said sure. Part of me wanted to see how the huppy would handle a 21-gun salute, although that same part of me …

I Did The Halloween Dog Walk!

Back a while ago, I mentioned the Halloween charity dog walk for Guelph Animal Hospital. Well, despite not making it home until nearly 3 a.m. the night before, I dragged my sorry butt out to the walk, and I’m glad I did. I was originally going to go with the shoe thief, but Shoe was …

Thanksgiving, and Other Rambles

I just felt like rambling, and since the blog may get a little quiet over the next couple of days because Steve and I are both running off to Thanksgiving stuff, what better time for a ramble fest. First, happy Thanksgiving to all the Canadian readers. Hope you have lots of yummy food and pleasant …

Some Apologies, Some Sports, A Thank You And Some Beer

I’d like to take a second if I can (and I can because it’s my site) to here and now apologize toRo.Not only to Ro, but toannin advance and anybody else who may be, either knowingly or unknowingly, negatively impacted by my thoughtless actions. As it turns out, me saying that I’ll root for your …

Odds And Ends And Updates

I had a few random thoughts on some things, so figured I’d throw ’em together and make a small post. Remember back when I said I would switch Trixie’s food? Well, the switch is complete, and boy does she seem to love her new food. Holy hell. She will suck that stuff back like it’s …