The other day, I saw a sign of the changing times. I was heading for the bus when a kid stopped me and said “Hi, do you want to buy a magazine to support my school?” My first response was no, since I can’t very well read print magazines, and even if I could, I …
Category Archives: thoughts
What Would They Do With A Phone Or A TV?
I saw something that made me chuckle yesterday. I was coming home from picking up some stuff downtown. As I approached the door of our building, I heard the buzzer pad’s dial tone coming on and off, on and off. I thought “Oh boy, we have some poor souls who don’t know how to work …
Does This Make Me A Bad Canadian?
I think my utter disdain for all things winter is starting to take over my life. Actually I know it is, because just the mere fact that it is currently fall is causing me great amounts of annoyance and sorrow. It’s been this way for years and it gets worse and worse with each trip …
A Mega Tutorial On The Megabus Site
Back a week or so ago, I said I would write a tutorial on the Megabus site to make it easier for blinks to navigate. Here it goes. I’m using JAWS, so if you’re using a different screenreader, some of this may not apply. Just so everybody knows, the Id de Chariotte de marchand was …
I’ve Been Ripped Off By A Little Kid!
I think we have a ripoff artist in the making in our building. I came inside, and I heard a little kid say “Want to buy some candy?” I asked him what kind of candy, and he said that there were coffee candies and strawberry candies. I asked him how much, and he said $2. …
Mmm, Heavenly Ash!
While I was out with my parents, mom saw a sign advertising an icecream store called Marble Slab Creamery. The first words out of her mouth were “Ya know, when I hear ‘marble slab’, the first thing I think is death!” And she’s right! If I didn’t know about the existence of this Marble Slab …
It’s more Trixter Goodness!
I had a few thoughts about Trix, so thought I’d write them down so when I do write about her, it’s not a giant monster of doom. I talked about being worried about the number of times Trix has needed her anal glands expressed. Well, a few days after that, the foot-chewing increased again. It …
I Have A Brother-In-Law!
It’s Monday, and I’m still feeling kinda dopy and tired. I guess that’s to be expected after the crazy Saturday Steve and I had. Don’t worry, it was a good crazy! My sister got married! Yup, eek. I now have a brother-in-law. He’s a cool guy. They’ve been together a while, he’s been a friend …
The Teddy Bear Picnic Was A Blast
Back last Friday, I mentioned the Teddy Bear Picnic. Well, yesterday, it happened, and it was a lot of fun. We had lots of fun. We had bears wearing little glasses, bears with little white canes, lots of stuff. We had a model of a communication board for kids who have trouble speaking, we had …
A Simple Thing That Makes Me Happy
I had something happen to me last night that made me realize just how far we’ve come in the technology department. I was going to meet up with my French group for a movie. After the banks were closed, I suddenly realized goddamn it, the theatre doesn’t do debit! So, I thought “No worries, I’ll …