Guelph Remastered: Ask Some Businesses If It’s Worth It

Someone said something to me the other day when I was at that Tim Hortons at Speedvale and Stevenson where I met that super awesome helpful lady. I was talking about the hideous construction, and how bad Speedvale and Stevenson was. The girl working at Tim Hortons said that it’s brutal, and the construction is …

Thoughts Big And Small

I had a few random thoughts that weren’t Trixie-related. Don’t worry, I can’t foresee this post being nearly as long. In our house, we have a fan standing in the hallway near the entrance of one of the bedrooms. The reason it’s there is that’s the only room where we could put our air conditioner, …

Trixie Gets A Novel

I don’t think Trix has gotten a post all to herself in a while. I think she’s due. I always knew that she responded to different people in different ways, but I’ve noticed something else. Among the people she loves, even they get different kinds of affection. There’s me. I get the dancing around me, …

Stop! Try Again!

Steve found this letter to the editor about the upcoming relocation of buses out of the downtown square, and I’ve been meaning to tear it apart. I guess today’s the day. In case the link fails, Here’s its contents. Moving bus depot will kill downtown Relocating the city buses away from the downtown square and …

August Long Weekend Audio

Boy oh boy do I have a monstrosity for you! Remember how we said our Canada Day audio would never be heard by the world? Well, that still holds, so we decided to try again. And we created something even longer and crazier than that one! We didn’t mean to, honest. We just sat down …

>Clearing Out The Clutter From My Head

>I had a few random thoughts floating through my head, so I thought I would write them down. Really, must I start all of these posts out the same way? Seriously? I’m really digging this last bit of weather we’ve been having. No crazy heat waves, some rain but not a whole heap, just nice …

Observations From The Train

We took a train yesterday to meet some of Steve’s family at a spot half-way between us and them. We got to the station really early, partly because we took the bus there and buses only run every half-hour, and partly because the train got delayed. Here were some of the things we saw or …

Thoughts Cooked Up In My Cooked Brain

I decided to write one of my random meandering rambles. I hadn’t done one of those in a while. Gees! It’s been a 4-day cooker up here! I keep joking that the Arizona weather has come to visit me, except we have humidity on top of it. What did the weather guy say today? Tomorrow, …

Happy Canada Day 2010!

Photo fromHerman H. Cheung’s Flikr Photostream. The Moosehead is chillin’, the CFL season starts today and there’s Blue Jays baseball this afternoon but not, you know, here in our country or anything. All of this can mean only one thing: Today is Canada Day! Happy 143rd birthday to you, you awesome country you! Honestly, you …