The Long-Awaited, Long Holiday Post

I always write a post about the holidays. It’s just a matter of when. I’m crazy, and want to get through the easy stuff first before I sit down and crank out a giant epic. But it seems writing the holiday epic has become the thing I’ve done since Steve and Matt let me come …

A Few Notes From The Trip, Including What The Presents Were

I hope that’s a good picture, I had to go online to find one since nobody’s around to take one for me right now and I don’t trust myself to get one with the whole cover visible. Anyway, what I hope you’re looking at is the cover of the book my brother got me for …

Thoughts Knocking Around In My Head

I have more random thoughts. I must be in a thoughtful mood since I’m here all alone. Maybe it keeps me from talking to myself if I write on the blog. Na, I’d probably talk to myself anyway, and hey, if I’m talking, I could be talking to the Trixter. What I did find myself …

An Early Merry Christmas

Well, today’s the day. In a few hours I’ll be heading out for 10 days of birthday/holiday season insanity disguised as a Christmas vacation. By the way, if you need something else to read,here’s an old post I wrote about why I hate the term Christmas vacation and the troubling concept of frozen SpaghettiOs. But …

I’m Running Out Of Names For These Thought Posts

Here comes another thought splatter. Enjoy. Silly Trixie has a new morning habit. She usually sleeps out in her bed in the living room. I have no idea why. But at some point in the night, she gets up and comes to the bed by me. But she used to just come in and lay …

Another One In The This Stuff Only Happens To Carin Files

Something weird happened to me that I’m amazed doesn’t happen more often. I was walking down the street. I knew I was close to a store that I wanted to go into, but I didnt’ feel like opening every door going “Excuse me, are you Store X?” So I did what I always do. I …

Facebook Meets Faceless Insurance Company

This is so depressing. On one hand, it took a lot for me to even look at this story, because I didn’t want to read about a company being such pricks. But that’s exactly why I needed to look at this, and post about it. Nathalie Blanchard was off on sick leave because she was …