Feel Free To Submit Events…If You Can Figure Out How

Here’s a puzzler for ya. How come almost every single media outlet that has a community events listings area doesn’t have a little section where they explain where people can send their listings, how long they need to be, etc? I’m part of a committee that wants to send press releases out about events coming …

Yet Another Ad Pile

It’s amazing that it doesn’t take us long to come up with another pack of ads that deserve mention. Here we go. They have these new Ford commercials telling you that you should really drive a Ford, and one of the big things they’re all proud of is how much electronic stuff is packed into …

Sports And Things

I’ll warn you all right off the bat that this post might be more disjointed and uninsightful (I think that’s a word) than usual. I’ve been on the disabled list since Friday with something that’s taken most of my appetite and even more of my energy and I’m pretty much only writing because I want …

I Shouldn’t Have Seen Shadows Of Doubt

A few weeks ago, I said I was going to see a play that my friend Anton was in. I said I was worried about it being lame. I couldn’t have been more wrong. In fact, I think people should see it far and wide. It’s awesome, and not just because Anton was hilarious in …

It’s Canada Day, Up Canada Way

This is amazing. There have been 6 July 1sts since the site started, and a quick check of the archives tells me that this will be the first one that will actually have a post on it. That means that in the entire history of the Comet, not one of us inconsiderate pricks has ever …

Wanted: Good Title For A Post About Paint

They’ve been doing a bunch of painting in our building over the last week or so and while I’m glad to see them earning the rent increase we’ve just been given, I still hate them for it because paint fumes and I have never really gotten along. I’ve had problems with headaches ever since I …

A Bunch Of Stuff From My Head

I’ve been thinking about afew things. Here they are in no particular order. My Trixie dreams have taken a new twist. They’re of two types: One has me going back to training, and some of my classmates are there, only this time, Trixie is with me. We just end up having a refresher, and I …