Sticky Fingers And Cinnamon Bears

I read this story and had to chuckle. It made me think of this restaurant we used to go to years ago. After you’d eaten and they’d given you your bill, they would set a bowl of these little chewy candy frogs on the table…mmm…chewy frogs. And we’d eat them. And we’d eat them. We’d …

Just For Laughs Puts On A Good roadshow

I feel like such a loser that I haven’t written about this until now. I mean, the show was Wednesday. Oh well, better late than never. On Wednesday, Steve and I went to the Just for Laughs Roadshow at the River Run Centre and it was awesome. If it’s coming to your town and it’s …

Cadbury Easter Cream Pedestrian

What is up with everybody having their collective heads in the clouds today? In case everyone behind the wheel has forgotten where their eyes should be while operating a motor vehicle, they should be watching the road for both cars and pedestrians. Ya know, not everything you share the road with goes vroom. some people …

I Saw Wrestlemania And Saved $55. Everybody Wins If By Everybody You Mean Me

I realize I’ve chosen to live my life in Ontario, a province with some insanely stupid weather patterns, but this snow in April business can take a 1-way trip to hell and spend eternity eating broken glass with a hook covered in tetanus. Yesterday was so nice and the weather people had been so wrong …

You Can’t find It, Duffy Moon!

Edit: Look what I found! Ok, I’m going to add my voice to the small group of them that I’ve found while googling for this. They all say similar things. It’s kinda creepy. Every now and then, I catch myself saying “You can do it, Duffy Moon!” to Steve while he’s trying to get something …

Do You See What I Don’t?

I keep hearing this commercial for something called invisible bifocals. Why would anybody want those? They sound like more trouble than they’re worth. Imagine losing them. How would you know when you found them? Actually, how would you know if you lost them to begin with? They are, after all, invisible which means they could …

Wrestling And Randomness, Not Necessarily In That Order

Hey everybody, how’s it goin’? Here’s hoping that you’re all doing well, and that you have not and will not have the misfortune of catching the flu that Carin and I had. She did a mighty fine jobdetailing her experience with itand mine wasn’t nearly that eventful thank Christ so I’ll leave it at this: …

The Clearing House of Carin’s Head

Well hey everybody. You’ve probably noticed it’s been kinda quiet around here. Well, there are a couple of good reasons for that, and I decided to write about them, along with a couple of ideas that have been floating through my head. Long, long, long post ahead. The main reason is because Steve and I …

Snow Blows

Ok, here’s something that baffles me. I ask what I think is a simple question, but nobody can answer it. Maybe someone can tell me what’s so hard about this question. the question is… … Am I on the sidewalk? Now, what’s so hard about this question? It’s snowy. the sidewalk is hard to find. …