Apologies, Elections, Wrestling And A Crazy Cake Lady. What More Could You Ask For?

Sorry it’s been such a slow week around here. Between Carin getting ready to go on her trip, me having some truly horrible nights of sleep and I think fighting off some kind of cold, and Matt being away at a gay bathhouse convention, the poor Comet has kind of been getting neglected. I’ve been …

GDB Reunion, Here I Come!

Well, believe it or not, I’m almost ready to go to the GDB reunion. Tomorrow morning at 5:05, Red Car service, a big old van that drives people to the airport, will pick me up. Trixie’s going to be some pissed. Because we’re flying for so long with no chance to relieve, I kinda have …

A Lesson In Communication

Here’s something that not everyone seems to know about communication. It goes two ways. While one person talks, the other person is supposed to be receiving those strings of words and processing them inside their brain so that they can form a response that matches what they just heard. The listener isn’t supposed to just …

Updates About Stuff And Stuff

Well, it’s time for a post full of ramblings about the mundane details of my life. Anyone who wants a nap could probably get one now. Grandma’s service last weekend was really amazing. The service itself was pretty ordinary, but it was all the feeling around it that made it so incredible. We showed up …

Not Suitable For The Job

Hey Darren Mirren! What the hell were you thinking suing an employer when it was you who couldn’t get your dumb ass to the interview? You were offered about, oh, a million more chances than your average applicant. When you didn’t show up, they called you at home. You said you couldn’t find the office, …

Matt Struggles to Understand Human Interaction

Good Day to you all! I recently received a friend request on Facebook from someone who attended the same high school as me. I probably spoke 9 words to this person in the entire time we were at the same school, and haven’t heard from them since (about 6 years) and now out of the …