Brain Dump

Well, I’m tired. I didn’t sleep much last night. So I’m hoping this random pile of stuff will make me burn out so maybe I’ll catch a nap. For people who were wondering, I’m doing ok. There are times when I climb the rollercoaster hill and I’m at the top, like when I manage to …

I Didn’t Want That Kind Of Travel Bug

Last night, I talked to another dude who does geocaching, and somehow we got talking about my theories on geocaching gone bad. He, like W.S.g, says he’s never found anything malicious in a geocache. Wow! I’m truly amazed! Maybe there’s hope for us after all. But he did tell me a gross story that happened …

Cleanup In Aisle 5

The funniest thing aboutthisisn’t that somebody thinks Northern Peaks is a good name for a porn channel or even that part of the draw is that much of it’s programming will be made in Canada thus ensuring that for the first time ever somebody will actually watch a Canadian movie. Oh no. What makes this …

Random post time

There are two random posts coming: one non-dog, and one dog. Isn’t that scary? I have enough drivel to categorize it. Hmmm. Maybe it’s not as random as I thought. Let’s start with the non-dog stuff. For some unknown reason, I was thinking about that Raffi song “Oats and beans and Barley” (sorry, the song …

Site-Tweakage Is Finally Complete!

Last Tuesday, I started changing old posts so they had a proper title. Now, finally, *collapses in a heap*, they’re done! Well, they were done yesterday morning, but this is the first time I had a chance to post about it. Every single blog post has its title field filled in! Here’s a quick and …

Sunday Morning Positivity

Who gave it permission to drop to 11 degrees outside in the middle of August? I realize I shouldn’t complain since in a few short months it’s going to be -11 and I’ll be longing for mornings like this here shitty one, but still, going from 30 and air so thick you could eat it …

And Now For Something No One Asked For

Hello, Friends; Matt is back…. even though absolutely no one requested it. I should explain my absence over the last oh….. 3 years or so. You see, my plan was to leave the VC for a while and have all my wildly dedicated fans get to the point where they missed me so much that …