Story Time With Steve

Police: Drunk Woman Slept In Neighbor’s Home This story isn’t particularly funny, but posting it is a good excuse to tell one of my own that’s significantly better. In fact it’s one of my favourite stories to tell, but this is going to be my first crack at writing it down so I hope I …

Can You Spell Business Without Bus?

Here I go, ranting again, although I’m not nearly as mad about this as my other posts of today. There’s something that drives me nuts. It’s the answer I get when I ask a business what bus route it’s on, or where the nearest stop is. Nine times out of ten, the answer is simply …

Am I Weird For Thinking This Is Funny?

I had this happen to me the other day when I took that big walk, and woohoo, didn’t meet my doom by falling down a giant hole in the street or getting creamed by a Tim Horton’s customer because I mocked God. Anyway, I got to an intersection, and for some reason, it was kinda …