Make Something Idiot Proof And The World Will Make A Better Idiot

Japanese scientists have invented smart glasses that they say can help you find things you’ve lost by playing back recordings made by a built-in camera of the last time you were with the object you’re looking for. This is a pretty neat idea, but what are you supposed to do if you lose your glasses?

Why Not Just Pull The Bell?

Someone asked a good question on my cellphone-using bus driver post that I thought needed to be answered up here. They wondered why I didn’t pull the bell myself. This is because when you’re blind, sometimes it’s hard to judge the distance and time and know if you’re really at the bus stop you think …

Playing With Your Head

I never noticed them saying in this article that along with the brain-reading headset, there is a backup controler that uses the old-fashioned hands, because I think you’d need it. There is no way some game developer has managed to master the reading of thoughts when we can’t seem to create devices to do this …

The Drivers On The Bus Go Bla Bla Bla

Yesterday, I saw something freaky. I saw a bus driver who was so into his cellphone conversation that he didn’t notice people calling out for him to stop the bus at a given place. He was so oblivious that when that person calling out for him to stop did manage to get other people to …

They’re Gonna Laugh When Everybody Hears, Your Name

This isn’t really interesting, only funny. I got a telemarketer call. It was a run of the mill call. After the regular short pause, a voice came on and said, “Hello. Is this Carin?” I answered. Then he said, “Hi Carin. My name is Sam Malone…” after that, I was a lost cause. I held …