Living Rooms And Room For The Dead?

Ok, hopefully someone can explain this one to me. I’ve seen this in a couple of towns, so I know it’s not just some kind of freak thing. There will be a furniture store, and right next door, a funeral home. Both are owned by the same people! What is that? That is the weirdest …

Google’s In My Head!

I’m trying to write this without sounding like a paranoid nutbar. I will probably fail. Oh well. I’ve probably sounded like many different varieties of nutbar before, so what’s another kind? I want you to think. think of when you first remember hearing about the Google search engine. Can you remember? Can you remember someone …

You Did Have A Problem, But We Fixed It. Carry On!

Explain how this is supposed to work. I have a Feedburner account so we can have the funky doodle RSS and email thing up there in the top of the page. Cool! One of the services Feedburner offers is called Feed Bulletin. It says that it will send messages to you when the feed goes …

Derek Edwards, You’ve Done It Again

I feel like I’m just repeating myself, but ah hell, I’m going to write it anyway. The other night we went to see Derek Edwards again. After seeing him a couple of years ago, I wasn’t sure how much new stuff he could have possibly come up with. Oh boy did he come up with …

>Travelodge: A Good Naked Sleepwalk Isn’t Far Away

>Ok, sleepwalking must be on the extreme upswing, and wearing pyjamas must have gone out of fashion, because in the UK, Travelodge staff have been trained to deal with naked sleepwalkers. What I find the weirdest about this whole thing is sleepwalkers don’t just sleepwalk, they come out into the lobby asking for newspapers or …

Toronto Adventures

Last Thursday, there was a free workshop at the CNIB in Toronto about human rights, disabilities and the workplace. I figured I’m sure there was something I could learn, so off I went. It was a pretty good trip, full of adventures, so I thought I’d write about them. Hope it won’t be too boring. …

If You’re Reading This, My Net’s Up!

There were a few things floating around in my head, and I thought maybe I should write them down before a monster starts to develop, so off we go. I finally figured out what that singing alphabet commercial was all about. It wasn’t an attempt at improving literacy. Why would I think such a thing? …