Do We Not Say Flashback Friday Anymore? And Not Quite Early Enough There, Guys

I just watched a story on the news about the Ontario Liberals promising to bring back grade 13 in order to help make up for some of the learning loss caused by the pandemic. Not the worst idea depending on how it’s done, honestly. But I can’t focus on it because of how the anchor …

Our Old Ghost Friend Has Returned, And I Think It Might Be A Jays Fan

I’m a little rattled at the moment. I’m not sure how many of you remember about eight years ago when Carin and I were convinced that there was a ghost in our house. Well, he…she…they…whatever it is went quiet after that and we didn’t think much more about it once it did. Until today. While …

You Need What Now? Why?

So. Have any of you noticed that sometimes when people talk about PPE it sounds like they’re saying peepee? And if you have, are you like me and giggle whenever you hear that they want to provide everyone with all the peepee they need? How much peepee does someone really need, anyway? Is there a …

Hmmm…Here Comes Another Year…

So…um…2021 was a thing. It happened. Now it’s over, and I’m not really sure what to say about it, even though it’s now the beginning of 2022 and I should probably reflect on the year that was. It started off crappy, but the possibility of vaccines was there and I thought things would look up …

We Went And Did Stuff. I Hope We Get To Keep Doing That

Dear God! I’m in a theatre, doing normal people things! Hopefully it’s not the last time for a while. — Steve Wettlaufer (@VC_Steve) December 16, 2021 I have no idea how good that picture is or isn’t. I just decided that a special occasion like being out amongst strangers for a common purpose for …

Nights In The Lab…

guh. It’s almost the end of my vacation, and I feel like I’ve been run over by a truck. Did I do anything super duper exciting? Nope. But I did have to go for a sleep study. I still feel like I’m recovering. “So what the heck is a sleep study?” I hear you ask. …

He Was In Bobcaygeon, Doing Computations…

I haven’t seen a lot of all the nephews over the past couple of years because pandemic, but I have been hearing stories about them, particularly the one I call the Sukie Jukie nephew. I swear, he’s a boy genius. First off, he could spell his name when he was two. He could also spell …