Fume Fume Rage Rage Spit Spit Sleep!

Ok, I think my lack of sleep has given me a little unexpected venom, which has unfortunately found its mark on three programs that pissed me off today in quick succession. Lets’ start with that stupid HP Software update thing. It comes up about once a month, but it doesn’t just come up, it comes …

March 2nd’s Odd Combination Of Things

Like I saidlast time,some of these links will probably stop working after a little while. This is normal. Like I also said last time, feel free to send things in, I can always use more material. Ok, here we go. *In some news I’m very happy to hear, the British government isconsidering giving police the …

I am, Slowly, Going, Crazy, 1 2, 3 4, 5 6, Switch!

I’m ancy. Every day, I’m ancy. Some days, I can’t focus on anything, because I’m so ancy! I’m sure I’m driving Steve absolutely, positively nuts some days because I’m constantly looking at the clock wondering if I’m going to get a call. You wanna know why? Because I still don’t know when I’m going away …

I Don’t Care What Anyone Says, People Really Do Listen To Me

I’ve beensaying for years that we should get rid of the penny,and finally, hopefully, the idea is gaining some steam. All it took was for some group with a fancy name totake my idea and not credit meto make things happen, but hey, that’s nothing new. That sort of thing comes with the territory when …

Like a Kid in a Candy Shoppe!

This is going to be the weirdest post ever. On second thought, that’s a tall order, writing the weirdest post ever. What would this post have to top to get that award? I’m not sure. That’s a hard one. Would it have to beat the guy who burped in Steve’s ear at the mall? Or …

Random Thoughts Ahoy!

I’ve been meaning to write this post for the last two days, and I haven’t done it. Don’t i suck? It has no real focus, just another random hodgepodge of things that have been passing through my head. I don’t know whether people are bored when I do those or not. Sometimes I wonder. Hope …