Tis the Season to…huh?

Am I going deaf, or does anyone else, while not really paying attention to the TV hear, clear as a bell, “Tis the season to wallow?” Then you realise it’s “Tis the season to wow them,” because a commercial for Best Buy starts. But every single time I hear that commercial, I think it’s saying …

Decisions, Decisions!

Which is more disturbing? Someone who cannot possibly see that they are inconsiderate, selfish, obnoxious and demanding, or someone who suddenly asks you if they are selfish, inconsiderate, obnoxious or demanding, and you say, well, sometimes a little, but it’s no big deal, and then they try to force their personality to fit into what …

Somebody Please Set Me Straight on This!

I’m feeling kind of dumb in the money sense department right now as I read this, so I hope someone who knows all about stocks and mutual funds can tell me that I’m not reading this correctly. From what I understand, it sounds like CNIB has sunk to a brand new low and is asking …

Whatever the hell comes Out.

I just felt like writing a random post. It sucks, because I can’t remember one of the things I was going to write about as I sit here. Hopefully it’ll come to me. So it’s less than two weeks until Christmas. So why in hell do I not feel in the Christmas spirit? The Christmas …

Eeewww! and eeewww! Definitely Not a Fan!

Well here goes Jen, giving me more blog ammo. She just told me about something that almost made me hurl. If you’ve just eaten, you may not want to read on. She apparently saw the commercial for those Mapleleaf precooked sausages that you put in the microwave “for those days when you don’t have time …

Is this an epiphany or the product of a sleep-deprived mind?

Have you ever sat there doing what you think is a step in the direction where you want to take your life and then you suddenly wonder if you’ve made the biggest mistake possible and is this really what you want the rest of your life to contain? I’m sitting here answering phones at a …