Hippest Birthday Ever

And that friends probably goes down as my lamest Title ever. Humblest apologies for subjecting you to it. Onward! So today is your third favourite VC writer’s birthday! Hizzah! Yes there’s been merriment abound today with well wishes, cards, a free lunch and so on. Not too shabby. I gotta tell you, though, that this …

We have been redeemed!

I’m awake because I’m scared to sleep. I’m in my miserable apartment next to the freaks, creeps and druggies, and my parents have not yet arrived. They’re coming to help me move out of this frightening place, so I came back to stay in it, expecting that they would arrive just after the vampires came …

I Miss The Days Where Rage Equalled Good Posts

Good afternoon, class. So I’m at work, and it sucks. And it’s Monday. And I’m tired. And everything that everyone is doing at any time seems to be pissing me off. When I started this blog in ’03 with Steve – that would have equalled a golden post. Unfortunately, for whatever reason, that no longer …

Goodbye Old House, I’ll Miss You….A Little

Well, I’ve pissed and moaned about my house a lot lately. But now that it’s almost time to say goodbye to it, it makes me think of all the little things I’ll miss about living there. I’ll miss the guys at the little store down the street, who, at first, could barely understand me, but …

That’s What Happens When You’re Too Small.

Ok, I hate doing whiny posts like this, but I’m frustrated. Today, on my way home, I got to a street that I had to cross. I cross it all the time. So I’m standing there. When it seemed like the light had turned and it was time to go, I was about to step …