Happy Mother’s Day! Where’s dinner?

I love my dad a ton. He’s very good at building things, he’s resourceful, and he was the king of the red pen, probably the reason why I got better English marks in the grammar department than I deserved. But he can sometimes be a supreme dick. Here’s an example. I phoned home on Mother’s …

Carin and the Terrible Horrible No Good Very Bad Afternoon.

I hate afternoons like the one I had yesterday, the ones where all kinds of annoying little things happen that, on their own are pretty minor. But when you add them together and put a real doozer on the top, the masterpiece is not pleasant. I wouldn’t have cared too much that I had to …

Silly Jabberings on an Awesome Day

I don’t know what it is about awesomely sunny days, but they make me want to gabble about random things that usually I wouldn’t think are worth being posted. But since it is so awesome out, here goes, off into the land of my silly mind. I’m so glad to have that annoying census thing …

Count Me as one of the Lucky Ones.

The other day, I got a bit of an eye-opener. I heard about this weird small mailing list called blind tards. IT described itself as a list for the blind to talk about blind people we have met who are exceedingly stupid. I thought, oo what fun! Here’s the place for me to talk about …

I Feel Like Writing, So I Will

How’s everybody doing? Me, I’m doing pretty well. I’m really enjoying the awesome weather we’ve been having the last little while, and I hope you all are too, unless you’re one of those people who for whatever reason is stuck somewhere with not so great weather, in which case allow me to say, hahahahaha! Ok, …

Was Yesterday Grumpy Day or Something?

I swear there must be some fact that the rest of the world is aware of, but through some miracle, I have been left completely in the darkabout it. Yesterday must have been national be pissed off day or something because practically everyone I ran into was super bitchy, if not to me, then to …