Somebody Please Tell Me! Part II

Maybe I’m just bitchy today, but I saw something in my email that made me think about something else that bugs me to no end. I received an email message that said it was from Ron or Susan. Ron or Susan? So not only do I not know who’s sending email, neither do they! And …

Who Put the Car in Career Fair?

Does this annoy you as much as it annoys me? I’m a university graduate. I’m looking for a job. I get an email and it says, “Guelph career fair.” I get excited! Woo! I can go and look at things. Then I read a little further down, and the damn thing is in Waterloo! That’s …

Something Worse than Hold Music

Yep, I’ve found it. Something more annoying than those wonderful muzac things ya hear while waiting on hold to talk to someone at Bell or Rogers tech support because your phone/internet is fried to the tenth power. Whoever the hell designed this needs to be sentenced to listening to ten years of his own invention. …

I’m Sleepy

Sorry for the lack of updates lately, but it’s the holidays anyway, you should be out celebrating something. The site will still be here in January when the so-called “Christmas vacation” is over. By the way, whoever came up with that term needs to be slapped mightily and repeatedly. It might be time away from …