Thought Salad, Munch Munch!

Well hello all. I hope everyone’s having or has had a good holiday, and is now full of turkey/desserts/whatever else you might have eaten/drank over the past few days. I had a good holiday, it was pretty cool to see my sister back on this side of the pond since she spent almost 2 years …

Cut the Drama!

Does this drive you as nuts as it drives me? You’re scrolling down through your msn contacts. You see people’s names, a lyric or two, a funny quote…and then a complete display of overdone mush! Sometimes it’s something like “I love my honey bunny shnookums buttercup!” or something equally as nauseating. Or, if the flavour …

This Is Progress?

First things first, if any of you reading this emailed me something any time between Wednesday night and 9:30 or so on Thursday morning, odds are good that I probably won’t be getting it unless you send it again. This morning I downloaded a bunch of mail onto Carin’s computer, which promptly proceeded to crash …

It’s Nice To Be Right Now And Then

Hey everybody. Yes, I’m still alive. Just haven’t had much worth saying lately so I haven’t said anything. Carin already talked about ourDerek Edwards tripso I won’t spend a lot of time talking about it other than to say that it was great to finally see him live after being a fan of his for …