You Wanna Go Where Everybody Knows Your Name?

Well I seem to have gone there. It’s pretty wacky to walk down the street, like I did this morning, and have someone come up to me and say, “Well if it isn’t Carin with a C!” At this point I’m trying to figure out who they are, and how they know me. This happens …

The Freaks On the Bus Go Scream Scream Scream

Wow. That was an interesting bus ride home. I’m glad I don’t live in the states, because maybe if I did, this wouldn’t be a happy post. I’m sitting on the bus, well in the bus, because if I were on the bus I wouldn’t be on it for long. So anyway I’m riding the …

Well Whooda Thunk It?

Today I was running around doing errands, and since I’m hoping to graduate this year, I decided to tie up loose ends. I received a nice snippy email from the university that said, “well we’re acknowledging that we received your application to graduate, but don’t expect to be let out if you have any library …

And While We’re at it…

When Steve wrote his Jehova’s Witness post, he reminded me of something I thought up a while ago. Do you ever wonder if the Jehova’s Witnesses were the ones who came up with the idea of telemarketing? Think about it. Telemarketers and Jehova’s Witnesses like to harass you in your home, particularly at times when …