I can’t believe I’m doing this. For no good reason, I’m skipping this class. I know that doesn’t seem monumental, but I rarely skip a class unless there’s a reason. But today, I’m just like ah screw it. Maybe it’s the fact that it’s cold and I don’t wanna freeze my ass off again. I …
Category Archives: thoughts
Carin turns to mush
Well, here’s your dose of sap. I don’t know why, I just feel like I have to say this. Today I went to class like normal. I sat down, and instead of our usual crazy raging prof who sounds like he’s going to blow a gasket all the time, the chair of the Psych department …
People Are Cute
There isn’t much point to this story except that it cracked me up when it happened. I was walking to the bus. It’s raining, actually make that that it’s pouring. As I approach the stop where I usually wait, this woman runs at me. She can’t speak much English and all she keeps saying is, …
Explain This One to Me
Why is it that the people who need the most help get the screw? If you’re ill and go to see your doctor, although they may take a while to figure out what you’ve got, there’s a set of straightforward things they’ll do to figure it out, and if you have a good one, they …
You Are Here
I really need to come up with an official name for this bit. If anybody has one, feel free to suggest it either on the comment boards or by email. It’s been a long time and a few people have asked about it so it’s time once again to make fun of people and the …
I feel old!
Lately I’m being slapped in the face with how old I’m getting. I know it’s not seriously that old, but it’s scary. It’s the beginning. Other people who aren’t that much younger than me don’t remember certain things that I remember clearly. Like, remember those old books that came with the tapes and when you …
Nothing to Wear
There’s been something that always bugs me. Why is it that lots of girls never want to wear a dressy outfit to more than one event? They’ll go out on a shopping quest, searching for the ultimate outfit. Once it has been located, like the holy grail, they’ll rave about it, wear it once and …
Do Us All a Favour and Get Your Head Out of Your ass
Ok rage time. Woo! I was walking down the street on the weekend, minding my own business. AT one point I asked someone for a bit of direction. He was very nice and was giving me that direction. Then, this other man, no, I refuse to give him that much credit, this other asshole, strolls …
Continue reading “Do Us All a Favour and Get Your Head Out of Your ass”
More Legalized Robbery
Well, a while back I bitched about how ya had to pay 30 bucks to graduate. Maybe I should have kept my mouth shut. Maybe I should have been content with that amount. Now I find out that, after I’ve put all this hard work into having a major in Psychology and a minor in …
Pick up the Phone. No, Don’t.
I think it’s time for another lesson in phone ettiquet. After last night, I think it’s good to have a little preventative medicine. Remember Steve’s first lesson? Well, here’s an adendum. There are certain times, after which, unless I’m expecting your call, please don’t do it. This is because I’m sleeping most likely. Ok, if …